Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Rose Colored Glasses

know when to hold 'em - know when to fold 'em
Know when to hold'em, know when to fold 'em

So I realize last night's post was very ho hum. I don't want to be that way but I said the good, the bad and the ugly. With that being said and some chitter with FitGirl I am trying to look at things through rose colored glasses. She said to me that if I eliminate most of the dairy I will essentially be eating as I did before, yes correct...I myself said that it was making me eat more veggies...yes yes and something about silver lining yada. (thanks chick ;) )

So this morning after thinking about my gripe fest last night I tried to think about how I could tweak this challenge without losing points and still feel good. I decided I am going to drop some dairy, it is the one thing I am eating much more of than I used to (that and the protein shake) I am also dropping my morning snack, I will lose 25 points but I don't want to win a challenge just to win and not improve from it. When I was thinking about this last night I went back to something Coach Charlie had talked to us about called smart failure or something like that and he mentioned the Olympic weightlifter who snapped his arm trying to go with some crazy weight. He sacrificed everything to try to win but at what cost. My health & wellness is very important to me, within 24 hours I had my wellness taken away from me completely. I have spent that last year + trying to get it back, is it worth having my name on a winning board if I am losing what I have gained? Also please know I am not saying this challenge makes you sick or feel bad, I am a special case. According to the CDC there was a reported 49 cases of salmonella in July 2011 related to the handling of contaminated dog food items in the entire country. There was 1 in, see special case. My internal eco system isn't the same as everyone else's so I need to follow what my system thrives on.

So today, cutting down the dairy, no morning snack. The dairy won't hurt my points but not eating 5-6 times a day will, I may also get points taken away if I don't hit all of my servings, it is a lot of food. I can't eat it all, down the road when I am pulling 6-7 days workouts at high intensity I am sure I will be begging for more food, but not now. We were sent a link to Mark's daily apple at the beginning of this challenge. I love this site and Mark Sisson is amazing. After reading up last night I decided to make these changes. I mean obviously fruit and veges and lean meat isn't the culprit because I have been eating that for months. So this is my next step...we will see how it does.

I will be honest, I am seeing results. I have this bad habit of weighing myself every morning (I know I know) and the scale is dropping daily even with weight training, I feel like I am leaning out and I can see more muscle definition. I just don't feel good in the belly region...special case. So you gotta know when to hold 'em and when to fold 'em and I think this is no time for folding and a perfect time to hold. So I think with a bit of tweaking maybe the sacrificing of some points this could be a good thing. Everything I already eat is there (except bacon), I have been focusing on adding in the wrong things. Refocus, regroup and I just upped the pot...because I am holding!

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