Friday, October 19, 2012

Happy Thor's Day

Or Thursday for the lay person. Ha

So last night I spent about an hour researching pre and post WOD eats. Tuesday left me so exhausted and tanked I could barely function so I need to step up my game and plan better for nutrition. I am going to try out what I read today.

There are a million different opinions out there as to what and when of eating around working out. I was doing what Coach Kari had recommended with great results so that was my main focus while researching. While I pretty much had the what, it was the when I wanted the nitty gritty on. The whole Glycogen window is pretty much in agreement in anything you read. This is why so many people rely on shakes and powders. Since those try to kill me, I have to avoid what to do. I read a great post by a competitive crossfitter and am going to try his method today.

I know I am not a competitive athlete, there were 100 pages on what to eat as competitive and what to eat if you aren't, I don't think there should be a difference except possibly quantity. I mean I want the same recovery as any athlete and while I may not be working out at their level I am maxing out my level, so give me the elite examples!

Here is what I did this morning before starting the crazy day!

Meal #1 (7:00)
2 eggs cooked in grassfed butter topped with 1 tbsp parm cheese
apple with almond butter
Coffee with half & half and a pinch of sugar

While I ate this and got everyone ready for their day I cooked 2 chicken breasts in the oven. I read that if your goal is to lean out limit post WOD starches. I will add these back in after my jiggle is gone. Today I planned on 2 3oz chicken breasts and some celery. Most things I read said to avoid fruit because glucose and fructose are different and by eating starches like yams it is direct muscle food. I won't be eating an because I am trying to lean out.

Meal #2 (10:30-ish)
chicken breast

So after we were done and rolled out I went out to grab my chicken and started eating it. I felt really goofy until I pulled it out and everyone thought it was a good idea. I had brought 2 chicken breasts but found I could only eat one and gave the other to Charlie.

Meal #3 (12:30)
un-breadwich sandwich stack (extra meat)
tomato soup
steamed vegetables

I was starving, something I read last night said that the post workout snack was just that a snack and that within 2 hours you should eat a full meal. Well you ain't just whistling dixie, I was starving. So much so I decided to hit Jason's deli because going home would mean it would be at least another 30 min before I ate. I got my favorite sandwich stacked with added meat, because I was a beast for some protein. It looks so pretty I had to take a picture of it. I also wolfed down my soup and half of my steamed veggies. I was extremely hungry. Today was a hefty WOD and I had the appetite to prove it. Speaking of...

Today's WOD
5x5 front squats 55#
8 rounds for time
5 squat cleans (scaled 35#)
5 box jumps RX 20"
15 ring push ups, scaled

This was a doozey, this was one of those workouts that have me a nervous wreck before I reach the box. I really need to stop looking at the WODs ahead of time, I get myself all worked up. I am not sure why, I am funny with crossfit. I get super anxious on the way there, doubt myself while doing the workout, and them feel like a champ after. My crossfit emotional roller coaster. I also want to say that I have gone on about Charlie being a great coach, well his wife Kari has been coaching the morning classes I have been to. These two are a perfect match because she is just as good. I can't even put in to words how they coach but you just know you can do it when they say you can. I have been really scared of box jumps (and the threat of 50 burpees for crashing your shin doesn't help) they intimidate more than anything else. I have been using the 12 inch box basically out of fear. Well today I tried one on the 20 " box and Kari was like oh you got that. Now I have done them on the 20 before but I just never really believed I could do that in the workout. I mean today I even did my first round on the 20", chickened out to the 12' on the second, realized I was being a pansy and did the rest on the 20". However, that wouldn't have happened if I hadn't been encouraged by Kari. They are some good coaching stock I tell ya. 

Meal #4 (4:00)
Cheese stick

Kind of hungry just needed something to tide me over until dinner. 

Meal #5 (6:00)
pork steak (trimmed)
roasted vegetables with sweet potatoes

Quick fast dinner so we could go to open house and Firecracker's school. I am going to be coming home, watching vampire diaries and going to bed...

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