Saturday, October 6, 2012

Challenge day 5, 5k and Ermagerd Berrberrrlls!!!

Well I felt much better this morning when I woke up. I slept like crap and Firecracker was on a 2 hour rotation of waking up and calling for me. Poor thing can't breathe through her nose and wants me to suffer with her. I did, of course I did, she is my sweet baby girl and I don't care who you are "Mommy will you 'nuggle with me" is irresistible no matter how tired you are.

I woke up this morning starving, detox coming to a end. I was torn between big breakfast and something light since I was going to be running in about an hour. Since I dillied my dally all morning and had no time I opted for this...

Meal #1 (pre-run)
Protein Shake (made with 1 scoop protein & water)
Coffee with splash of milk

I drank this down on the way to my run. It was freezing so the coffee was good. I was hungry, it kind of sated me.

Post run - Post run I grabbed a water and banana and a sports drink. I examined sports drink for allergens then Luckily Keri designer of our challenge was there so I could ask if it was legal. She said it would count as a starch, score. Took one drink and blecht it was pretty nasty and super sweet, totally not worth ingesting that sugar. I decided not to even drink it. I am out of this sugar detox I don't want to go back, it is so not worth it. The banana was all I needed.

Post run meal
1 swig of sports drink

So I did OHkay on my run. I mean I finished I had to walk a couple of times, my Nike+ said I shaved 12 seconds off of my last 5k. I started really good, my first mile was 10:02 which was a near 30 second improvement. I fizzled out quickly. I hadn't had any water save what was in my protein shake and I could tell.  Mile 2 was my hardest for some reason. I felt like the tank was empty my thigh was super tight and I was just over all tired. However after I passed the second mile mark things changed (mental? I think so) I tried a strong finish no point in slacking in the end. Overall I am happy.

Today's WOD
Run 5k
official race time - unknown
Nike+ time 33:18

Meal #2 (or 3) 11:00
cheese eggs - 2 eggs, 1/4 cup cheese splash of milk
1 cup of tomatoes sauteed in EVOO

SO when I got home it was down to business, food. I grabbed some quick scrambled cheese eggs and sauteed up some tomatoes. Quick, easy, filling and legal. I know my day is going to be off, there is no planning going into today's menu except dinner. Fun things could happen. Ha. 

Meal #3 (2:30)
Hamburger sans bun topped with jalapenoes, cheese, pico de gallo, avocado
Salad (plain) with lemon juice

So I got to go out and have a peaceful and uneventful (i.e. no allergy drama) lunch with Daddy-O. Kids are with their Nonnie for the afternoon. We went to chilis thinking it was the closest thing to us that might be safe. They were very accommodating and had a menu for every allergy imaginable. My list got smaller and smaller and I went through them lol. I settled for the one item they have that is sans all allergens for me, a burger. So I got a bunless burger and topped it with some goodies and replaced the fries with a plain salad. It was filling...not really a gastronomy master piece but hey I ate at a chain without problems. 

After lunch I was excited to go pick up my barbell, olympic barbell that is! My step-dad gave me a barbell also but it is only 12 lbs. I tried to buy weights for it at Wal-mart but they didn't have any. Boo. So I picked up a barbell I scored on craigslist. It is decent, not as nice as the ones we use but it is 35# and will get me started. So now when the inspiration hits I can run out to the garage do a quick workout and add to my increasing fitness...score!

Meal #4 (6:30)
Paleo Nick's Cacciatore - Chicken cooked stew style with tomatoes, onions, mushrooms, peppers & olive oil. 
1 helping with chicken and veggies one with just veggies. 
Omega 3 (Dose 2)

I grew up on chicken cacciatore, it is something I forgot about. I can remember my mom making it in the pressure cooker when she got home, I hated it! One of my least favorite foods to eat. Now as an adult I love it. Not sure why I didn't like it back there it had everything I like in it. I donno I was a teenager, I didn't like anything and surprisingly enough I hated meat. It wasn't an ethical thing it was a totally grossed out, can't stand the taste and texture thing. Now not so much, I am a meataholic. The other night while watching some vids on the CrossFit HQ channel on You Tube I came across Paleo Nick's Cacciatore video. I have always made this with chicken boobies but he makes it with whole cut up chickens, of which I happen to have 2. So I thawed one out and made this hunter stew. Here is the video...(not of me of Chef Nick)

Meal #5 (8:30)
Cheese Stick
2 tbsp macadamias

I wasn't remotely hungry for this meal but I don't want to lose any points and I know I will wake up like a hungry angry beast. Honestly if I wasn't so tired I would probably have actually been hungry (and have completed an impromptu wod with the new barbell) but I am exhausted. After no sleep last night, this morning's run, purging 5 years worth of toys, and running other errands I am whipped. I am so tired I can't even tally my meals for you. I know pathetic. I know that I lost sleep points last night because I didn't get a solid 8 hours. Firecracker just wasn't letting it happen and there was no time for a nap. Ah, the joys of motherhood, you bet your sweet tuckas :D

I am hooping to squeeze in an at home WOD working on some bar work, while deciding where to store Belle (yes I named her Belle) I realized we have an old rug from our dining room in the garage, score! It is a jute mat really that used to sit on our dining room floor but then we had kids...Love hard wood! Rugs, carpet, not so much. So I am going to roll that out when I workout in the garage to use as a mat for burpees (yes I might voluntarily do them) pushups and such. I really want to get some sort of overhead bar I can use for, well I mainly want to work on knees to elbows then toes to bar. My core is so weak, it has been getting better but I really want to work on it. I think having Belle will help and then I am working on hollow body rockers and would love to be able to do knees to elbow too. I have been watching videos on building a home box haha. Don't get me wrong I love CrossFit Regeneration, but there are times when the kids go to bed and I just want to go out and CrossFit and I am only there 2-3 times a week. What can I say, it has happened...I am addicted. 

In closing I want to note I have cut out orange juice for this challenge and I have become a sneezing fool!! Never underestimate the power of Vitamin C in battling allergies. I have a Vitamin C supplement I am going to start taking, my house it running out of tissues. 

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