Friday, October 5, 2012

Challenge Day 4 and some stuff

Okay...I am going to be honest, I am feeling like a piece of roadkill, hit by a mack truck, run over by a motorcycle, and pecked on by a vulture. Yep that bad. I am such a lucky girl I get sick while I detox...should go buy a lottery ticket. So I currently can barely swallow and my sinuses are killing me (cold/allergies) but on top of it I have a headache, body aches and general fatigue. Get this however, I was so tired last night I could have gone to bed at 8, I stayed up and ended up going to bed at 9:30...sat there in the dark until almost midnight when I finally crashed. It was like true insomnia, sleep wasn't going to happen. Luckily it is fall break for Geeps and Firecracker didn't have school today either so I was able to sleep in until 8:00. Whew thought I was going to lose the 8 hours of sleep points.

Meal #1 (8:30)
Leftover Zucchini Stew - 1.5 cups
Apple with pie spice
Green Tea
Vit B, Vit D, Omega 3 - Dose 1, Vit C

I wasn't feeling cooking this morning, kids were settled for breakfast and so I went on the hunt for easy legal breakfast. I settled on leftovers from last night and added a chopped apple with apple pie spice for some comfort.

this is so good!

Meal #2 (11:00)
Cheese Stick
1.5 cups Strawberries

So I was being ultra chatty when I dropped the kids off for a playdate (thanks LL) I don't get much adult conversation and unfortunately when I do my mouth takes off haha. By the time I got home I was famished so quick grab of some dang good strawberries and a cheese stick. I am planning a big cook off this weekend to keep me from having to just grab stuff. I am not sure what to cook up because besides ground beef and chicken there is only fish and dairy. I can get sick of chicken easily because I am not really big on chicken breasts and the only kind I like to cook is a brand we get from Market Day. We are out of those already. I will manage but a nice fat beef roast would be good to have as my emergency protein but it might be ground beef from here on out. I don't eat ground turkey, it was one of the foods I had prior to Salmageddon and was recalled shortly after. Not risking it. 

Meal #3 (1:30) 
Zucchini Stew (2 cups)
Omega 3 dose - 2

Okay I know I am seriously lacking originality it today's food choices but I haven't had much time today and honestly I am having to make myself eat because I have no appetite from the detox. Plus I have no energy and nothing quick to grab besides this. Also it is dang tasty! I really really hope I have the energy to run in the morning. I honestly didn't think my detox would be this bad so guess who wasn't eating as clean as she thought?!? This girl...reality, check!

Meal #4 (5:00)
Chicken Fajitas (not tortillas)
Pico De Gallo
Mashed avocado

This day isn't getting better, dinner was not happening by my hand so the ever so awesome Daddy-O stopped and got us food from one of my safe restaurants. I opted for my usual the fajitas (cooked in canola I asked) without all of the sides (of which I am allergic to) except the pico and mashed avocado (they call it is just avocados). When dinner got here and we got it settled on our plates I blinked and mine was gone. I really didn't have much of an appetite but my body was hungry. I am happy I didn't have an appetite because I am a chips and salsa maniac but even the thought of it tonight made me want to hurl. 

We had a busy day today and after our play date friends left I laid down on the couch and dozed a bit while the kids chilled with some tv time. I am feeling extremely weak and tired and a bit moody (as in emotional roller coaster) I have been here before I just fooled myself into thinking it wouldn't be this harsh. Cutting sugar out of your life completely and cold turkey is intense, try it. I don't eat a lot of sugar but I do eat it. I am not now. The only version of sugar I can have now (without sacrificing points) is milk and fruit. I am keeping the milk to a bare minimum because I don't want to prolong this detox, I also don't plan on adding it back in for a while. 

In all honesty this is the hardest part of doing this challenge or any really clean or Paleo diet. The typical standard diet is full of just shit, there is no other word for it. There is fancy dressed up "healthy" shit and there is the screaming labels you know it is shit. I am lucky I am sort of forced to eat healthy, but there is plenty of junk foods out there I can eat. Potato chips for one, Coca~cola for an other. I said it before I want to become extremely fit, I am pushing 40, I don't want to look or feel what 40 might look or feel like. I don't think people realize how bad our food makes us feel. One day while hanging out reading an article after our CrossFit class I heard a guy walking past saying he ate a bag of peanut m&ms prior to class. I can't imagine how crappy he felt and wonder if he even realized how it probably inhibited his performance. So anyone eating a typical diet or even occasional junk foods diet who eliminates sugar will hit a detox, this is why people fail. I feel awful. I could feel better quickly by eating some pumpkin butter in my fridge or putting sugar in my tea but I want to soldier past this and get on that bright sunny side of this crap and start burning fat instead of sugar. 

So enough of a lecture! I am dying for some chai. I have read on a couple of paleo sites about this great pumpkin chai at Trader Joes, so when we hit our run to trader joe's tonight I asked Daddy-O to grab me some. He did and I examined it...the first ingredient is sugar. Oh the irony!! I am a pumpkin fiend I love it and will OD on it. It isn't on our list so just while longer but I thought a tea would be a good sugar free legal fix. Not happening...I should give it a spot next to my pumpkin butter, meh. Tomorrow I am going on a hunt for a plain chai tea. 

Meal #4 (7:00)
2 tbsp macadamia nuts
Vanilla protein shake (made with water)

I wasn't really hungry for this meal but hey I have no appetite and currently feel like I am going to hurl. So something kind of bland and to fulfill my quotas. I am trying some vanilla protein. 

So to tally today is I have hit all of my points except the workout. Today has been the hardest day but after this it will be easy. I just have to get through the detox, I hope it is over before my run at 9am...check back for tomorrow's post to see. 

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