Monday, October 1, 2012

CrossFit Regeneration Nutrition Challenge

So today marked day 1 of the nutrition challenge at the ole box...I have been going there for 5 weeks now I can call it that right? I have been so excited about this whole thing today I have been on like an adrenalin high. Excited to participate in a challenge, excited to meet Cindy, especially excited to get back there knowing I went Saturday. I even plucked up the nerve to tell CrossFit Charlie I was walking out when I went back to talk to him, but he already knew that he reads my blog (you rock!) He can also be credited with my photos (thanks again!)

So today was typical beginner class day, but there was something different. I feel like our class is really coming along as far as a group. CrossFit Charlie said this before that we have what took him months to attain with other members. This is awesome and we all pal around but tonight it was different, joking around and such. It was great. We even teamed up to stay and do Cindy. It was one of those we all do it together or not at all haha. We did it, but more on that later.

Tonight we learned front and back squats and how to eject mid flight...per se. Again I will say how much I love bar work. I am getting annoyed that these people on craigslist either wont take my offer for a barbell or just don't answer. If I had my own barbell I would be in my garage all of the time practicing, I do it now with my broom much to the delight of my kids, who think I am silly.

Feeling very akward

After some suggestions from the girls I was like Oh Yeahhh I see, I love that Charlie caught that face

Front squat...I love me a barbell

So after a bit of practicing on these and chatting about Cindy we had our post workout lesson about GPP, general physical preparedness. Cool stuff. Then we all got our challenge packet and started the weighing. I went first just to get it over with. Honestly the camaraderie was so great tonight I quit being nervous about it. Like I said everyone knows I am chubby, I am not hiding it (and not in the shirt I wore tonight...worst choice ever!) but being weighed by someone else is egh...alas I weighed in. It is what it is. I wasn't happy. 

Cheese!!! Yeah I wasn't this happy to be getting on the scale...this is a made for TV movie.

CrossFit Charlie getting read to zap my fat cells to see how many there are...too many. 

So we also got a folder with a scoring sheet, food journal entries, and guidelines. This challenge for the most part is going to rock. There are guidelines based on allowed foods, you start with 100 points per day, you get points for following the guidelines and bonus points for say getting 8 hours of sleep. You also get deductions such as -20 for dessert and excessive starch servings ( I got this I am allergic to the entire starch list!). I am fairly excited, this is right up my alley and is going to be killer. You are required to eat 5 servings of vegetables a day and 1 cup of kale = 1 serving, I had 4 cups of kale for lunch, bingo!

So to sum up what today looked like, I did pretty darn good. 

I got 8.5 hours of sleep last night
I had 5 meals today (3 meals, 2 snacks)
The only thing I had off of the food list was unsweetened coconut milk in my protein shake & sausage. 
I eat a serving of protein at every meal (always yum)
I had 7 servings of veggies
2 fruits
3 healthy fats
drank 4 liters of water
took my fish oil
and worked out. Score...but I don't think I can count today ;)

So my day looked like...
Breakfast - 3 oz sausage, 1 small sweet potato, 1 egg (breakfast hash)
                  coffee with coconut cream

Snack - Handful walnuts

Lunch - 4 cups kale
             2 burger bites, leftover pork steak (3 oz total)

Snack/pre-wod - smoothie made of protein powder, banana, almond butter, coconut milk

Dinner  - Beanless (aka paleo) chili with sour cream and cheese. 

Actually I think my coconut cream and pork steak would count against me. The protein list is a little limited and contains a lot of protein I don't typically eat. I have 43# of meat in my chest freezer and half of it I can't eat for the next month. I do have 10# ground beef that is lean and will work just fine thank you. 

This challenge will take some tweaking from me, it is a lot harder than a paleo challenge would be. I am sure non paleo peeps don't think so but for me it is. It would not however be a challenge if it were easy so I am glad it isn't going to feel like cheating. I just might get sick of chicken and ground beef. Wait what...never. I will be missing my bacon. I am going to try to get more salmon in my gullet with this, especially since it is one of the 2 fish I am not allergic to. The fruits and veggies list don't contain any hard limit allergens. Like I said the starch is off limits, I have been eating a small sweet potato here and there but not too much or too often because it is a soft limit and I don't want to be miserable. 

The challenge was designed by Charlie's wife Kari. Many props to her for even taking on this project, and she knows her stuff. I had a short pow wow about fueling when and whats and I am having great results (even when I did it wrong). I also think that while most people were commenting on the no nos a lot of people were relieved, it is a great challenge and in all honesty while it is restricted it has a great list of foods. It is totally doable and winable ;) There are 2 prizes for most improved fat % and most points. I can go either way but would be more satisfied with having a largest drop in body fat. 

I am going to use you guys to keep me accountable and on track, plus I am publicly giving my pal FitChick permission to slap me if I get out of line. I want to take before and afters but I am too tired tonight so I will get Daddy-O to take some befores tomorrow. 

Lastly I bet you thought I forgot huh? Tonight's workout deets. For the beginner WOD we did 5 X 3 front squats. I didn't add any weight and just did a few with the bar saving my legs for Cindy. 

After this and our pow wow and weigh in we got down to Cindy business. I love that 5 of us grouped together and did it. So meet Cindy...

20 min AMRAP
5 pull ups
10 push ups
15 squats
 10 rounds +5 push ups (scaled)

I got a hard lesson in mental toughness tonight. I wasn't worried too much about Cindy, I think it was mainly because I had some great girls around me during it. My biggest problem was my hand and the hole residing there from Saturday. I taped it up hoping it would save it a bit but after the first set I felt it tearing. I just told myself if I couldn't see it I couldn't feel it and it worked. I did have to take a moment every time I got up on the box to get on the bar to tell myself it was only 5 then my hand got a break. I never felt fatigued, I never felt soreness from Saturday all I felt every time I did a pull up was the sensation that there was a hole ripping in my hand. One round I told myself it didn't hurt near as bad as the ring of fire when I had my kids, I got through that set pretty good, lol. I also kept telling myself it probably hurt worse than it looked...I was right, see not bad at all. 

tiny new rip...totally worth conquering Cindy

Here is an awful picture of me doing a pull up with my band. In my mind I look more like Julie Foucher HA

I wanted to do 9 rounds of Cindy and ended up with 10 and a bit more. My goal is 15 in a month when we do it again. Until then I am ready to get back to our class and hit another Saturday workout which will be a 5k this week. 

But for now I am going to get those 5 points for 8 hours of sleep!!!

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