Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Helen of Troy...technical difficulties...

Let me start by saying I am having some serious technical difficulties on this blog. I am not changing any coding, lay out...anything and something is janked on my blog daily. My ever the tech geek Daddy-O is going to work on it and I am probably going to move to word press since it is easier to follow there. Until then

Technical difficulties

This morning after getting Geeps off to school, Daddy-O off to work and got Firecracker ready I grabbed some leftover PaleO'Bryan and some hot pumpkin tea. Gobbled it down while I ran through some work accounts then got dressed, took Firecracker to school and headed to the box. I got to spend this morning with Helen. 

Today's WOD
Press 7x1 - PR @ 65#
3 rounds for time
400m run
21 kettlebell swings - 26#
12 pull ups with band
Time 15:42

I scaled this WOD, in all honesty I could have probably started with the RX 35# KB but would have had to scale back on the second or third round. The pull ups are getting better but I think my core keeps them from being great where I can scale down bands. I think I am going to try to do 5-10 pull ups everyday I am there and there isn't a pull up in the work out, thinking about doing knees to elbows too. I am ready to start doing these sans band. I feel like I could kip better. The running portion of this wasn't near as bad as the one I did here at home Sunday. I mean I had to walk on 3 of the 4 rounds but today kept it steady and constant. Best part...no rips!!

For lunch I grabbed some leftover paleo Shepherd's Pie from this weekend. Honestly I prefer mashed cauliflower to potatoes. My kids really liked it on Saturday as well so a kid pleaser is always good.

Okay I am starving and nothing I eat seems to satiate me. After a cup of cottage cheese, an apple and 2 pumpkin almond flour pancakes I was still super hungry. I finally grabbed about 3 oz of leftover steak and was able to chill. I should have grabbed more vegetables but I just wanted protein.

For dinner tonight Geeps asked to get Qdoba, I am completely tanked from this morning's workout and have a house that looks like a frat house it is so messy. Dinner out it was so I could get home, clean and then relax. I grabbed some beef tacos it is the only thing there that doesn't make me sick because almost everything else on the menu has wheat or possible wheat contamination. The tacos were delish! Beef!!!

I swear I am so tanked by this morning's workout, probably largely because I didn't really plan for this workout food wise. Typically when I do a wod I have dinner shortly after which is high in protein. These morning workouts are different cats all together and I am going to have to find my right combo to keep from feeling like a ravenous beast all day.

I don't have much else for you today. I read an interesting blurb about leaky gut I might post about but today my mind and body is exhausted...it is hard training to be bad ass. 

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