Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Parting is such sweet sorrow...

So before I get into the meat of this post here is tonight's WOD...

200 m sprint
Time 5:30

Does this look familiar? It should it is our first WOD ever, tonight's goal...beat your last time. Do you remember my original time? It was 8:09...tonight I crushed it in 5:30. Do you like apples? How 'bout them apples. It was very exhilarating repeating this workout. I mean obviously you know you are stronger, you feel it in your daily life you see it (skinny jeans anyone) so you know it, but you don't know how. I am exactly 2 min 39 seconds stronger, faster, mentally tougher. Not only that, but while I was gasping for air afterward my recovery was quick. Killer workout. 

So now to the sad part...Tonight was our last beginner class. We started as a group, fighting through our first WOD, getting to know each other, cheering each other on, high fiving after workouts, sharing hand holes & bruises. Ah...but alas this is only a 6 week course. Now we go our separate ways picking classes best suited for our individual schedules. Tonight's class was amazing, the best ending ever. People had their humor on, we were cutting up & laughing. We all aced our snatches and killed the WOD. Afterward the mood was light we were still laughing, sharing, chatting. We went as a group to dinner and still talked about missing one another, it was epic.

See the thing that sold me, the thing that totally got me sucked in to the idea of crossfit was during the 2012 games, it was the women's Fran, I think heat 3. This heat was fast with Annie Thorisdottier, Julie Foucher, Kristen Clever and Taylana Fortunato all whipping out killer Fran times. Well after everyone was done the camera was focused on Taylana, you see her look up and start walking and you can hear the crowd. The camera pans over and the entire group of women are cheering on the last competitor who is fighting those last 9 pull ups. The crowd even starts counting in unison and at that moment you realize this isn't just a competition, just a workout, it is a community. You do that first WOD, you get that first real taste of a truly hard workout where you might die or barf, and you are in. That is it, you are part of that community. Our first class we were separate but after that first WOD, when we all collapsed on the floor and heaved and wheezed, we became one and it just built from there. We became a team.

If you don't want to watch the whole thing go to about 15:26

So before I get anymore emotional, Anna, Genevieve, Kristen, Laura, Jeff, Irena, Jennifer, Mike, Travis & Chris it was a pure pleasure being in this class with you and learning to be bad ass. I hope we keep in touch and run into each other in future classes! And not to be forgotten is Coach Charlie, great coach...great coach. 

So now on to the eats...

Meal #1 (7:00)
Lemon thyme, goat cheese eggs - 2 eggs, goat cheese, lemon thyme
coffee, plain

I took my time and made a nice breakfast this morning. I love eggs and lemon thyme, it is one of those culinary matches, add goat cheese and it is near perfection. I sauteed some asparagus in olive oil and called it eats. I am taking this day different so try to tweak my high maintenance system.  

Meal #2 (11:30)
sandwich stack (aka sandwich with no bread) turkey, lettuce & avocado
1 cup steamed veggies
1 cup tomato soup

Fircracker and I took an impromptu trip to Jason's Deli today, Wednesday is the day I try to get us out of the house since there is no school and I can tend to push through work all day and she is left hanging. So we decided on lunch and open gym time. I was really hungry for this meal and very happy to have my sense of hunger back. I was hungry earlier than usual but I also ate an hour earlier. I ate all of my unwich & veggies and a bit of soup it was a lot of food. About an hour after lunch it dawned on me that my belly wasn't hurting. Score, I don't know it if was the break or lack or dairy. I did get to thinking that maybe it was this protein powder I am using. Remember the part where I said it had soy lecithin in it? Yeah good because I had kind of just forgot about, I know having kids was like a lobotomy. So there is that.

Pre workout

So I didn't intend on skipping this snack/meal but ended up not wanting to eat. I went and grabbed a kombucha and drank half of it before class. That stuff is like magic to your belly. Like ahhhhhhhh.

Meal #3 (7:30ish)
Chopped vegetable salad topped with 2 eggs, sunflower seeds & vinaigrette

This was our celebration dinner, I got my old usual since I had the unwich earlier. I will say that my eco system is feeling better. More calm, it is hard to explain unless you have been there. I really think the protein powder was my problem and maybe the straight milk. So no more milk, absolutely no more protein powder and I should be golden. I am not sure about the snacks and where I got from there. I have no doubt I will need these after I start hitting regular CF classes but I am not there yet.

I mean I am getting too tied up in the points game and not realizing that the point of this is to reach optimal nutrition and performance and hey fit into skinny jeans...that are a size smaller. I really should say that they are 2 sizes smaller because last winter I was busting out of the size I had and these are a size smaller than that and they are juniors haha. They are however big booty jeans, because baby got back. Crossfit won't do much for that HA. But I digress, I really need to focus on optimal nutrition and try to change my body composition. I have been hung up in the numbers trying to get a perfect score daily and I think it comes down to I doubt that I can lose much body fat and to win it is either points or fat. I think I have a better chance with points...but we will see.

I haven't done this in a while but I wanted to look back, me at my heaviest (and on a beach no less) and me now. I was only able to get a side photo because my camera wouldn't focus on the front view...not sure what that was about. My hotness kept fogging up the lens HAHA, I am on a roll tonight.

Big change...

So tonight with newly found vigor I had planned on having an impromptu prep night and try to whip up some more protein for quick grabs to replace the shakes but alas...tragedy befell us. My son's fish Robot died. We have had Robot for 2 years, he was a fun fish, responsive and active. This is also Geep's first experience with having to understand death. He started out okay asking what happened and then like a veil you saw him begin to understand. It broke my heart and was so hard not to cry while I hugged him. I hate having to be strong sometimes, I don't mind my kids seeing me cry, it let's them see you are human. Tonight however it needed to be about his sadness so I kept my eyes as dry as I could, I swear for a moment I saw a glint of something in Daddy-Os eye as well. It was just sad all around. So we gave him the big ole flush and tried to turn talk to Geeps picking out new fish. So sad...RIP Robot, you were a good fish!

So there is that, I have been released into the wilds of the CrossFit class and ended a great class on an even better note. Life is good, God is great and I need to go to bed!

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