Monday, October 22, 2012

Confirmation & gearing up for a Whole 30-ish

busy busy busy

Happy Monday Y'all. This weekend was a total beast of activity hence the lack of posting anything. Business started Friday night and essentially went non-stop until Saturday night, there was a brief 7 hours of sleep in there somewhere. I was so exhausted Sunday I didn't do anything. I folded one load of laundry...that is it. Otherwise I was the poster girl for a couch potato.

One of the events of the weekend was attending my husband's fraternity alumni dinner. We went to a couple of these when we were dating and kind of didn't again until this year. It was good times, seeing old friends and even ate a nice paleo meal! One of the organizers of this event actually eats paleo and crossfits, he and his wife both do and I wanted to totally spend the night geeking out about it but there was too much catching up going on. One friend I did get to geek with is a guy who is a health and fitness guru. I was dying to pick his brain and we ended up having a pretty detailed conversation about me, my hormones and the fibroid living rent free in my uterus. He is a lot like me when it comes to medicine and medical interventions (and GMO, and food industries) so I value his opinion. Essentially in our talk he confirmed I am estrogen dominant and gave some pointers on what I can do, most of which I am already rocking out. There are a couple of things I am going to start implementing. 

See I have already hit a major change this month **warning girlie hormone talk* I ended up having mild PMS...a whole 24 hours before my monthly friend showed up instead of 2 weeks before and had a very uneventful ovulation ( I will leave out the ugly details of months past) he said this was huge (which I personally knew lol) and so I am ready to ramp it up. I am going to spend this week planning out my grocery list for the next 30 days starting Friday as I complete another whole30. This will be really easy to transition to because I am already off of so many things for the nutritional challenge. I am also going to start some new supplements that focus on detoxing estrogen. The whole 30 will help me lean out and get rid of the fat that keeps the estrogen happily nestled in my body. Cushion be gone! Estrogen be gone too!

I have the world's BEST timing ever for doing this don't I? I could easily say "oh I will start after the holidays" but haven't I been this way long enough? I want to go see both of my doctors in January and floor them with my changes. I want to be better now and there is no amount of holiday fare that is worth living this way one more day. I have come so far in just 6 weeks, further than I have in almost an entire year of trying to change and detox this estrogen. Besides...I can make some paleo treats if it gets too bad. I am already planning a chocolate bacon bark from Practical Paleo as my party food contribution. Yum!


I am hoping by tightening things up with the whole30, I can lean out, regulate my insulin levels and further heal my system. I am going through some crazies right now while things regulate. For example, I have been having strange random anxiety attacks. They remind of ones I had as a teenager when I had a test, or a date. I am aware of them and I try to calm myself but they just have to wear themselves out. Luckily I can keep myself in check until it is gone. I have also noticed my mind feels more clear at times, then catatonic others. I have felt like a total ding bat since I had kids but this catatonic state makes me feel a bit like rainman. I am having this same pendulum swing with energy as well, one minute I am cleaning my entire house, the next minute I can barely stay awake. These new fun times let me know I am really changing and things are working out.

So here is a quick list of what I ate today.

Breakfast - 1 egg, 2 sl bacon, pickle, & coffee
Snack - cheese stick, applesauce
Lunch - 2 chicken breasts, brussels sprouts
Dinner - Taco soup with cheese & sour cream
Snack - handful macadamias

I have been chatting with a friend about paleo and CrossFit, I have also had a couple of people hit me up about paleo and resources. So if you are interested in doing the whole 30 with me leave a comment or hit me up on facebook (search minus the 46). I am going to do a post of my grocery list and menu plan for each week. I will begin this Friday and have that post up then. Since the 30 days will go into Thanksgiving, I will have some posts on Thanksgiving food choices as well. I personally think that everyone should get a free day since it will be close to the end of the challenge but I am plan on sticking to the plan, mainly because well I am allergic to everything else. haha.

Well I am going to bed now because tomorrow I am going to be doing "Angie" it is a benchmark workout and consists of 100 pull-ups, push-ups, sit-ups and squats. I am going to bed because I need to get up early enough for a huge breakfast and to make me some chicken boobies to take for some post workout recovery. I am just hoping I can get it done in the 2 hour window I have before I have to pick up Firecracker! Wish me luck!!

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