Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Girl on Fire...


Okay, I will be honest when I woke up this morning there was a fair amount of pain involved in any movement. I was both proud and kind of a weenie about it. Proud because I worked hard for this pain and a weenie because all day I have felt like the girl on fire. I have been popping Omega 3 and chowing protein all day.

Today started with me literally rolling out of bed into a hot shower to get ready for a field trip with Geeps. While I crammed in an hour of work Daddy-O cooked me up some eggs and red potatoes, typically I don't eat potatoes but since the are glucose I thought my muscles might like the treat. I gobbled it down with some coffee with milk. I was starving. Daddy-O also made me some chicken to take on the field trip. We went to a local farm that is a mecca of activity this time of year. We got to ride on a tractor...I had to hang on tight and was bounced around...ouch. Then we walked through a corn maze...ouch. After that some pumpkin picking...owww and capped it off with more tractor riding...ugh. While the moving around and everything was good at keeping me more fluid any quick movements that involved using my muscles was a bit annoying.

After the hustle bustle we sat down with the kids for some country cooking which equals large quantities of wheat so I brought my lunch. This was interesting and when the director of the farm field trip division was asking parents to pay for their meals I told her that due to food allergies I brought mine. Dinner was $12...she made me pay $9. Not sure what I paid for but I am going with a $9 pumpkin. Anyway I had a chicken breast, whole avocado and some coconut water. I was again starving and it hit the spot and sustained me for a bit.

Around 3:30 I hit a hunger like no other and I wanted meat like a vampire wants blood. I tried a cheese stick but it wasn't enough so I ... gulped a protein shake. I had sworn these off, but there I was no precooked meat anywhere in my house, I was needing protein and there was that big barrel staring me down. So I drank it and it satisfied me while I sat outside to work enjoying the beautiful fall weather and watched the kids wear themselves out.

Better than a corner office

For dinner Daddy-O cooked up some bacon wrapped chicken on the grill and I made some paleo fried apples and chard. It was a great fall meal and my kids gobbled it down like it was Halloween candy. What can I say my kids love should have seen them with the chocolate bar that had bacon in it. Crazy!

So here it is the end of the night and I am getting ready to plop on the couch and work my day job, I have seen the WOD for tomorrow and what does it have...sit ups and muscle ups. I can't do a muscle up yet but I am sure there is some version of a pull up or ring dip I will be doing...regardless the workout will require all of the muscles that are on fire at the moment, including the muscle in my back I didn't even know existed. Ha!

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