Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Challenge Day 8...I hate low fat cheese

Wow last night's workout left me knocked. I took a way too hot, way too long shower, went to bed and passed out. My belly also hurt and it was something I get after a particularly hard run so I am blaming the burpees. It feels fine this morning and it was kind of hungry.

Meal #1 (8:00)
Left over roast beef 3 oz
roasted carrots
coffee with milk
Vit B, D, omega 3 dose 1

I am still a bit tired this morning, this will be the norm until it starts being more sunny in the morning, it is just unnatural to wake up when it is dark, for me anyway. I have one lone egg in my house and didn't really feel like cooking it so I just had leftovers and some coffee.

Meal #2 (10:30)
cheese stick

So yesterday while getting Firecracker's snacks for school I saw some low fat pepper cheese sticks, and me the ever jalapeno junkie, I got some. Hear me now I hate low fat dairy, it is awful in flavor, texture and usually has more ingredients than regular cheese. Plus an ounce of regular cheese is more satisfying than a low fat one but this is a low fat challenge. I get not going over board with fat and we don't, but I don't fear fat. I used to have high cholesterol 215...I was vegetarian even and it was that high. When I changed to a high fat high protein low sugar diet it dropped 73 points. I remember my doctor asking me what I did because my blood levels were better than they had ever been. I told her I eat a diet that is against everything you hear. High protein, fat. I am not saying this is the end all of diets and everyone will thrive from it, this is just what works for me. For the sake of this challenge though I am following guidelines and sticking with low fat dairy, our meat is already pretty lean, the only meat we eat that is not lean is bacon. So with the exception of that and sausage (which ours is actually pretty lean, never has fat to drain, but I am leaving it out) I can go back to my freezer of meat!!

Meal #3 (1:00)
2 oz roast beef rolled with 1 sl cheese, dipped in dijon crack mustard
1.5 cups leftover tomato soup topped with 1 tbsp parm cheese

Do you ever look at the clock and then look again and someone has taken an hour from you (or more). I mean sometimes I think I am being taken by aliens and they forget which time to put me back making me lose and hour. Sheese. This time warp almost always happens between 12:00 & 2:00, the time between when I pick up one child and then the other. It is a 2 hour window when, if I get to eat, I have accomplished something. It is so annoying. Today was no different so I grabbed a couple of thick slices of beef, added a slice of cheese, rolled it up and dipped it. That with soup and called it lunch. The banana was added after Firecracker asked for it then after I peeled it said she didn't want it :/ so I ate it, I was going to later anyway.

I wasn't really hungry for lunch so it was sort of smallish, I am also getting tired of cooking or preparing food every 2-3 hours. I love to cook you can see it here on my blog, but I already have to cook 3 times a day for 4 people and adding in two snacks is starting to be maddening. The other day I had to run my dishwasher twice...that equals unloading it 3 times. Yeah I was annoyed. I hate doing dishes. But as it was pointed out to me at least I am not griping about not getting to eat certain foods like desserts, I don't care...dishes however I care about.

Meal #4 (4:30)
Protein shake with water
4 Tbsp nuts

Very quick snack, this is where the banana would have been. Making dinner, wrangling kids and packing for TKD...multi-tasking at it's best. This is why, while I am not a huge fan of the protein shake I would rather have real food, I keep going to it since I am eating so many times a day. It is great for multi-tasking. I can drink using one hand and wrangle kids with the other!!

Meal #5 (7:00)
1 cup meat sauce - beef, tomatoes
2 cups spaghetti squash
2 tbsp par cheese

Mmmm yummy, I love spaghetti sauce with meat, I am not talking some beef cooked up with some jarred sauce, no I am talking home made marinara with beef. Add a good quality parmesan cheese (even parmigiano reggiano if you want to splurge) and you are set. Even before I went wheat challenged I would rather just eat this meat sauce in a bowl with just the parm, it is so good. Tonight however I decided to add the spaghetti squash so squeeze in more veggies.  It was tasty and so filling, more so than if I had regular pasta. 

Speaking of filling, I am full all of the freaking time, almost annoyingly full. I have almost decided to chuck the whole challenge a couple of times because I just can't eat this much food every single day. Don't get me wrong, there are days when I can eat all of this food and go to bed hungry but my body works in ebbs and flows. For example after my first regular class I was so hungry I was eating constantly, but I did a huge workout compared to my regular stuff. I tend to eat more for dinner on crossfit nights as opposed to rest days or say a run day. I have a fine working machine, which has been healed by an anti-inflammatory diet. It tells me when I am hungry and when I am full. We currently aren't speaking because I am eating based on this diet and not what my body tells me. I guess I could just not eat the snacks but then I would lose 25 points a day so I am soldiering on. I have even tried scaling down my portions but I don't eat huge portions to begins with. I just eat foods that are very satiating. 

It isn't like I have never eaten snacks, there are some days where I have a pre-workout snack in the late after noon or hit a low in the hours between Lunch and dinner. Even then however I might grab a handful of nuts and maybe add fruit. I am trying to keep my snacks small because I am so full but I am starting to hate food and even eating because I feel like it is consuming all of my time. 

I used to love food, it was a comfort, I was overweight, inactive, unhappy. Food was my world, what to eat next, overeating, snacks, treats, junk. I have always been a comfort eater and it just blossomed into a dependency. I would diet and try this and that plan and even joined Weight Watchers, which I ended up quitting because it was the same thing, all you do is think about and plan food, and to me their meetings were like being at an AA meeting taking about all of the good alcohol out there. This all ended after Salmoggedon and my first Whole 30. Now food is fuel, I don't give it much thought. I mean I plan and I cook but outside of that it isn't all consuming. Honestly there are times I could cook and not eat, I just enjoy cooking. I eat when my body tells me it needs food and that is it. There are a few days a month where I might eat just to eat but not really. It just isn't important. It isn't consuming anymore and with my food allergies sometimes it is even my enemy. So many times I have gone without eating because there isn't anything around that won't make me sick, the old me would not have been able to do that, but the new me doesn't care. I can eat later. I had someone ask me how I can be around all of that food and not eat, because if I am in a social eating situation I am there for the company not the food. 


This was a heavy defining read for me and I thought about it a while. It is true, these days my belly feels like garbage. I am trying to be really open minded and try this because it is fun, it is something different and it is a challenge. Typically when I come out of a sugar detox I feel amazing, these days I am constantly tired and feeling just generally yucky. I am sure a lot of it has to do with allergies but I don't think it is all that. I only have 3.5 more weeks to go but I keep wondering if I should keep on. I am going to try to be a champ and finish out this week and see if things change. I keep trying to analyze what might be making me feel like poo and honestly I think it is the amount of food and the higher amount of dairy. Before this I did eat dairy but not at the level I am now. I was subbing coconut cream and milk so I am not sure if that is it, the jury is still out...

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