Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Challenge Day 2...wait what?!?

So before I get down to the nitty gritty of it all I have to say that I am truly amazed at what I saw this morning. My tummy was so much flatter than when I went to bed. I really wish I had taken measurements because I know there was a huge change. Now I am not going to be naive and think after one day of this challenge I have lost weight (I am avoiding the scale) I just forget how much of a difference eating allergy foods make. I have said before that I classify my allergies into 2 categories, hard limits which are for foods I absolutely won't eat and cause me considerable pain and possibly death, then soft limits which are foods which cause reaction but it is livable. This is typically reserved for treats or monthly must haves. While these foods cause smaller reactions they still effect my body and I tend to forget just how bad.

I would love to say I also have more energy, my head feels clearer but Firecracker had a nightmare about a bee attacking her in her room and woke me up so while I slept for 8.5 hours I was interrupted about half way through. I am still not as sore as I have expected and I think that the fish oil is making a difference and well maybe I am actually getting fitter. I feel stronger and I am seeing muscles peeking out from under my chub all of the time. So with little more babble here we go.

Meal #1 (7:30)
Fajita Omelet - 2 eggs, splash milk, 1/2 green pepper, 1/2 onion, 2 tbsp cheese, salt & chipotle pepper
1/2 Raw green pepper
Coffee with milk
Vit B complex, Vit D, Omega 3 (dose 1)

Like I said last night I don't realize how little veggies I actually eat. I eat veggies with every meal but not in the quantity I need to. This morning I really had nothing to have fruit or veggie wise that went together. I just wasn't in the mood for greens (I know crazy huh?) I am feeling some sugar cravings again this morning but these aren't like yesterday...these are the detox ones. I know these so I ain't skeered. I am getting some sugar from the milk but I am trying to avoid drinking a glass of milk or consuming big quantities. Mainly a splash in my eggs and in my coffee.

What is the difference? and why am I sugar detoxing you ask? Well first off I am not anti milk which in the world of cave people makes me more primal. I do eat cheese, yogurt and typically cream because they are all sans sugar. Milk, while not an irritant or allergen for me, has lots of sugar (except cream which has...0) so I opt for coconut why the sugar detox. I am going to hit a small and more than likely quick one because last week I let myself go real laxed and had some goodies with sugar. I even put sugar in my coffee a couple of days...I know, scandalous!

9:30 - first liter of water finished

Meal #2 (10:30am)
Protein Shake - 1 scoop chocolate powder, 1 cup milk (yes real low fat milk)

*note - I made this and then had to help Firecracker go potty and then I had to potty and came back to drink it and it was like sludge. was like drinking pudding GAG lesson today do not let your protein sit. Shake & sip my pees, shake and sip!

I could have gone without this snack today but it is book fair/lunch day at Geeps school and since everything on the lunch menu is a hard limit I opted to not eat while I am there. I decided to grab this quick snack and sneak in a fruit while I was at it. Firecracker and I are hitting Trader Joe's after to stock up on some fruits and veg then I will make lunch when I get back.

Meal #3(1:30)
3oz mustard glazed chicken, 2 burger bites (1oz each)
2 cups cabbage & tomatoes
Omega 3 - dose 2

Okay who was hungry for this meal...THIS GIRL. I got home a bit later than I planned from lunch with Geeps and a trip to Trader Joe's. Typically you hear not to grocery shop when you are hungry but it worked for me today because I got a boat load of veggies & some fruits.

I'm ready now don't you think?

When I got home I was starving so I heated up some leftover protein and made a new batch of cabbage and is so good! At TJs I also got Strawberries, some gorgeous McIntosh apples, bananas, broccoli, asparagus, zucchini, tomatoes, pearl onions, cauliflower, green peppers, & artichokes. BAM! I didn't buy anymore greens because I have a huge bag of kale, a bit of spinach left and my garden is over flowing in chard. I am roasting a chicken in my crock pot for dinner and you so wish you were in my kitchen. Smells amazing. 

Meal #5 (4:45ish)
3 oz roast chicken
2 tbsp macadamia nuts
1 banana

Okay I swear there is so much validity to the saying trying to wrangle kids is like trying to herd cats...I only have two and they are a handful especially when I am trying to make a quick pre-wod snack. Also I am like Mr Parker from Christmas Story when it comes to roasted chicken. Sneaking in to get a bite haha. So I grabbed a hunk of meat from the one I had cooked, weighed it, gobbled it down while I was shouting orders like a drill Sargent, getting dressed and trying to get out of the door in time for class. 

Finished liter of water #3

Meal #6 (7:45) 
7 oz roast chicken
2 cups of cabbage & tomatoes (yes again, this stuff is crack!)
Omega 3  - dose 3

So after tonight's CrossFit workout I headed home and had the aroma of roast chicken still warming in the crock pot waiting for me. Kids and Daddy-O were already fed and heading to bed (kids not Daddy-O) so I grabbed some of the yummy meat stuff and heated up the leftover cabbage and tomatoes crack sautee and chowed down, glugging some water. 

All in all today, while rushed, went better than yesterday...but if course it did, I have been enlightened. We also got some foods added to the list one being plantains as a out! I LOVE plantains. Sautee in coconut oil and dang!! I asked about artichokes because I just bought 2 bags of them and came home to see they weren't on the list. Here is crossing my fingers. Brussels Sprouts were added and they had huge stalks of them at TJs, I should have grabbed one. Also I didn't get a picture of dinner tonight because I was a post-wod hungry beast. 

So tonight was CrossFit Wednesday (yay) and I was feeling really good until I got in there and got working. Um sore and weak was I. Today we worked on overhead squats and ring dips. I just love when we are going to be learning a skill I have been excited about and it really shows me just how out of shape I am. So out of shape I couldn't even hold myself on the rings to even try a dip...I had to do bench dips. I also realized that when I said I wasn't that sore from Cindy it was really because I was still so sore from Saturday's WOD I couldn't tell a difference. SO after we learned our new skillz we did this. 

10 min AMRAP
5 ring dips (bench dips for me)
10 overhead presses
15 Hollow Rockers
4 rounds +7 Over head presses

Overhead presses are hard, especially after you did front squats & Cindy on Monday. I grabbed a 35lb bar and I had to end up doing the workout with a pvc pipe. I was shocked at how heavy the weight felt in the squat. I mean it was heavy holding it overhead but the squat was insane. I did a front squat with 55# and it was good, on the overhead squat that 35 felt like 100! I am not sure if it is the nature of this skill or the fatigue from Monday. It was hard. I am really bad at the hollow rockers. I have deduced that it is either because my low abdominal wall is so weak, or because I have a layer of chub in the way. Hmmm I will get back to you on that. 

Today was the last class workout for week 5. I am very sad about this, next week is our last week as a class. I know I will still get to CrossFit and go to classes but it wont be the same because it won't be our group. I really like our group we work well together and all get a long great. *insert sad face*

That being said I am going to bed I am exhausted!! But I leave you with this...

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