Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Challenge Day 1


So today is the first official day of the challenge and after getting through the madness that is our mornings here at the 46 home front I settled down to plan breakfast. I am trying to memorize this list so I don't slip up but for now it will be a constant extension of my arm. I knew eggs would be on the menu but needed to plot what to make with it. I only get 1 protein (****see below) per meal which = 1 egg so I will have a down sized breakfast for the most part but I get a snack in a couple of hours and I won't lie...I am looking forward to that cheese stick.

Before I start cataloging my meals for today I want to comment on just how not sore I am today. I know I have said that in the past and then 36-48 hours later I am dying. Today is different, I am going to attribute my post workout high protein dinner and taking my fish oil at bed time. I am ramping up to 3 grams and yesterday was the first day I took the third dose at it was a bed time. It could be anything but that is the one thing I did differently and I feel different...I may be on to something.

So now to start the catalog, you are going to get the good the bad and the ugly here. The day is broken down into mini meals or 3 meals 2 snack (or 3 snacks) essentially 5-6 "feedings" a day. I will call them meals because feedings make me think of boobies...what? I nursed two kids haha.

Meal #1 (8:00am)
1 egg
2 cups spinach sauteed in olive oil
Hot Tea with low fat milk
Mulit, Vit D & Fish Oil

I don't typically eat one egg, I never eat more than 2 but if I have 1 egg it is because I am having some other protein with it. As a woman I am allowed 1 protein per meal (****see below). Typically I eat breakfast and then do not eat again until lunch, I don't need to, I am sated until then, interested to see what this one does. I also ran into a conundrum of cooking said lonely egg because butter isn't on the list. I used olive oil...it wasn't bad. Different. The list has plant based oils as being legal, that opens up the floor for more mild tasting oils. I avoid most industrial oils because I am allergic to half and leery of the others so it is olive oil eggs.

Meal #2 (9:45am)
Cheese Stick
1 small peach, 1/2 cup strawberries

I tried so hard to wait 2 hours for this meal. I was jittery and starving. I know that I have become more sugar burner because of my recent indulgences but I didn't get this way yesterday. I am going to blame the small dose of protein and Cindy (and my ignorance ..see comment below). I did use low fat milk in my tea which is full of sugar but it was only about a Tbsp so I don't think that spiked me. I am really hungry today which could be attributed to my 2 crossfit workouts...jury is still out. After I ate this meal, I wanted bacon, or steak or a nice dose of protein but I gotta wait until lunch...

10:30am - finished first liter of water 33oz

Meal #3(11:45am)
1 cup chili (made with ground beef, tomatoes, onions & peppers)

I decided to eat this before I picked up Firecracker, I was still really hungry from this morning ( I blame Cindy) and I had to run an errand after which would put me home after 1:00 and I knew I couldn't wait that long. So I measured out 1 cup of chili which I am estimating is 1 serving of protein and I know has at least 1 serving of veggies in it. I would have had a larger portion but I didn't want to go over my protein ration. I think I ate this in 2 bites. I am ravaged as my body adjusts.

side note...about 20 min before I ate this my mind started thinking of sweet stuff. I crave sweet things 1 time a month if you catch my drift. Today I was craving them heavily...interesting, very interesting. I can't wait to see where this goes. I also want to point out that about an hour after consumed a good dose of beef I started to feel human again. The shakes stopped and my belly calmed down. The sugar craving even went away for a moment.

Meal #4 (1:40pm)
Protein Shake made with 1 scoop whey protein & milk****
2 tbsp walnut halves (about 6 halves)
1 apple
Omega 3 (dose 2)

So I grabbed this as soon as I walked in the door from running out. I hadn't hit the shakes again but I could feel it coming. Lunch lasted longer than my other meals but not as long as it typically does. I usually eat 3 meals a day and if I snack it is in the later afternoon or right before I hit CrossFit. This is also a pretty big snack by any definition but I still have a lot of servings of fruit and veggies to eat and I am hungry!! Also my day is far from being over, I still have to run and pick up Geeps, clean my house before taking Geeps to TKD and start dinner so it is ready when we get back, not to mention there will be some hide and seek or tickle time in there somewhere.

2:00pm finished second liter of water.

****This is the portion of the blog where I put on a big ole dunce hat!!! While reading the scoring sheet I noticed it said AT LEAST 1 serving for women of protein per meal...not that you only get one serving per meal. I have been dying all day craving and wanting protein and there it is in black and white...I can have it, I have been writing this blog as I go and I could easily have gone back and deleted the idiocracy that is well, me but then would that be reality? (no idiocracy isn't a word it is a movie I am using it, get over it)

Meal #5(4:30pm)
1 cup of chili
2 Tbsp cheese

grabbed this before taking Geeps to taekwando  , I was so so hungry not a raging beast like earlier...you know when I was being a total moron. So I grabbed this snack ate it quickly with one hand while wrangling kids with the other. I am so tired from my highs and lows I don't have it in me for an elaborate dinner. Kids are getting pizza I am baking some chicken.

Meal #5 (7:30) 
Mustard glazed chicken breast
Sauteed cabbage & tomatoes

Finished liter of water #3

So Tuesday dinners are typically crazy, I am usually prepared and have either something ready to be cooked or cooking when we leave for TKD. Daddy-O typically finishes it up for me while we are gone. Today I just couldn't get it done, my clock was on hyperdrive and time kept slipping away and I was exhausted. So I planned on mustard glazing some chicken breasts for us and pizza for the kids. What Mom? Pizza on a school night ...SCORE. So dinner was rather late since we ended up waiting for the kids to go to bed to eat.

I was hungry for this meal but not like earlier today...still wearing my dunce hat. I ended up eating two chicken boobies, they are right at 3 oz and I need some extra protein because while I was an idiot and read the sheet wrong I think I need more because of yesterday's workout and I want to be in tip top shape for tomorrow's. I hope that this mustard is legal as regular condiments are not listed. It is wheat free and fat free so I am hoping it is cool. This recipe calls for butter to make the sauce so here I was again with the butter conundrum then I realized, coconut oil is a healthy alternative! Score. It added a great flavor to the chicken. The cabbage was just sauteed in olive oil then I cut up the last of our garden tomatoes and added them and let it do it's thang. Delish. Actually Daddy-O was talking on the phone while I ate and I contemplated taking his too haha. I did get a second helping of cabbage.

So to tally my day I got my max of 150 points and no deductions. This is my plan for the next 30 days. The hardest thing will be getting in the veggies and fruits. I can knock out my fruit ration in a smoothie though with a banana so that will be easy. I usually eat a banana every day anyway to stave off muscles cramps and because my potassium still hasn't recovered from salmaggedon. Every person started out with 100 points. So I have a total of 250, if you get over 1100 you get a bonus. I wont hit this, this week because you have to have at least 3 workouts to get that and I will only have 2 since they only count if you go to the box to workout. I asked about coming in more but I think I need my breaks in between to recover. I am contemplating some open gym days to work on stuff I feel I am faltering on, thrusters anyone??

All in all after I quit being a dumb dumb and paid attention it was all good and not too much of a challenge. I realize I don't eat the quantity of vegetables that I think I do and that I for sure thrive on protein. I am seriously going to have to go stock up on more fruits and veg for the rest of the week because I can tell I am going to need more.

Oh and come follow my on instagram my handle is supermomsteurer, also follow my on twitter and Pinterest.

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