Thursday, July 12, 2012

Going Medieval...all over the place

This post is a bit all over the place. This week has been a bit trying. Twice a year I go into the office and work instead of working from home to cover vacations. Try as I might I am never prepared enough, it just isn't a regular routine for me and it throws my life off. I will admit that while the week always ends up unproductive I love to have adult interaction instead of my typical 3 & 5 yrs old conversations. Regardless the week is crazy. This week is one of those weeks. 

I have been having issues with running and my IT band acting up, so I decided I needed new shoes. I tried to run Friday I think, in my old ones and was met with pain and defeat. So I ordered new ones which took 6 days to get to me...6 days of no running ugh. Then after buying one of my all time favorite things to have as a snack, V-8, and having one everyday since Sunday I have been sick and in a fair amount of pain almost constantly. I have been racking my brain trying to find out what it is I was ingesting since I am super careful to avoid allergens. It was only today that I realized that my precious drink contained lettuce one of my harsher enemies (yes I know...who is allergic to lettuce). I was sad about then but cheered up when I got home to find my much awaited shoes...

Aren't they grand?

I had to go run because I was jonesing for it bad and these shoes are awesome and felt so good on my feet. I hadn't realized just how bad my old shoes had become until I put these beauties on. So after naming them razzmatazz, I went out for a run which ended early and bad. My food allergies leave me in a state of intense pain. Picture someone driving a samurai sword into your tummy and twirling it around. I foolishly thought I could run through it and nearly collapsed in pain about half way through. So I stopped, pouted, headed home,  and grabbed my dog and took her for a short walk. I was full of self loathing until I looked up to see swinging kettle bells on the horizon. My attitude changed immediately, I got excited thinking this might be a crossfit group or boot camp. I tried to watch from afar (besides I had my killer attack dog) but I couldn't, I had to get a picture for the blog.  

After interrupting them for a photo I had to ask what they were up to because you bet your sweet cheeks I would have tried to be recruited for a cross fit group, even boot camp for that matter. They were however, neither of these. They are from an organization, the SCA which is dedicated to researching and re-creating the arts and skills of pre-17th century Europe (taken from their website). They were swinging kettlebells and running to condition themselves for battling in full medieval warfare. Let's all say it together...kick ass. I was momentarily in geek heaven. Medieval fighting and kettlebells...I was psyched. I am a big fan of competitive jousting and the pure need of fitness that goes into it. Think about how heavy a sword is not to mention the pure amount of strength and flexibility that it would take to wield it in any sort of controlled fashion. Then add full armor and possibly mail and that in and of itself constitutes as weight training.

So all in all my day ended well and I got my geek on. They may even be fighting in full dress this weekend and I will keep an eye out. As for running I am going to try again Friday after giving my belly a good rest with lots of safe foods and see how it goes. Stay Tuned. 


  1. Such a nifty blog!! Thanks so much for stopping and chating with us!

  2. Thanks! and Thank you for letting me interrupt you ;)
