Thursday, July 5, 2012

Eat Clean Train Dirty

Eat clean!

This is one of my favorite sayings I see around on the web. Eat clean and train dirty. I love clean eating, everything from the name to the way it makes me feel is a win win for me. It is optimal eating at it's best. I am also very partial to eating paleo which is pretty close the tightest form of eating clean (i.e. preparing for various competitions). It is great for shedding stubborn pounds or detoxing when you get a bit off track. 

In my previous post for this month's goals I have that I want to tighten up my eating. I have been putting one too many spoonfuls of Trader Joe's cocoa almond butter in my mouth lately. While I have been having surprisingly steady weight loss I want to get back on track eating healthier.

I love to keep a food journal and write everything I eat. It is an easy way to keep you accountable but I am also getting sucked into picture journals of your food, so you can't really...let's say curve your grade for your meals. I am thinking about blending the two. Giving an account of what I have eaten all day in the form of a post with some photos. One of the things I do when I look to fitness and weight loss blogs is search for what they are eating, and I want specifics. How much, how often, what types etc. So in case any of you are like I am, you can get a first account of what I eat, including the good, the bad and the ugly. I also plan on looking back through my week of posting meals to see what was good, what was bad and try to eliminate the ugly.

I will also plan to throw in my workout for the day so you kind of get a good idea of what I am doing and what works for me. I am not expecting you to follow what I do, or that what I do will even work for you, but maybe something I do will inspire you. That is why we are all here after all right? Looking for inspiration, motivation? I hope that by adding some of this fun stuff we motivate each other.

I also want to add this latest photo. I finally feel like I have lost enough weight to design clothing for myself so on a whim this week I made this shirt to wear on the 4th of July.

Train hard, Minus your 46...

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