Thursday, September 6, 2012

Crossfit Week one...addiction!

Sorry for my absence lately there is so much going on sometimes I get into bed and think dang I didn't post again!! I have had tons of things to post about and think about it it just doesn't happen. But without further adieu...

This week brings a lot of things so this post is going to be a general week post. I have a craft fair in 3 days so the next 2 days will be split between my day job and grinding away at my sewing machine.

So today was day two of my on the ramp class at Crossfit Regeneration. I really wanted to come home and post about my first class but I was exhausted and had 100 hair flowers to make. I will digress to day one for a moment. Monday we congregated together for our first class. The class is a mix of couples, men and women. Everyone is really nice and range from stellar shape to getting back in shape. We spent a few moments before we got down to business and introduced ourselves. Anyone who knows me knows I am a chatty cat. I will talk all day yadayadayada however I was so excited to get working in the box when it was my turn I gave my name, a few insignificant points and that was it. Shortest introduction EVER from this girl. I was seriously so packed with adrenalin I was about to pop. So after introductions we headed into the box and went through correct form on basic moves like Squat, Push-up and Sit-ups. After some practice and form checks we started our WOD.


200m sprint
15,12,9 of
200m sprint 
for time
We started outside with an outback sprint. We ran out 100m and back then into the box for our 3 rounds of squats, push-up and sit-ups with the reps listed above and just when you think you are done and your body can't move you get up and go run another outback 200m. 

Things I learned - 
  1. I am a squating champ and found the squats easy enough that I actually slowed down thinking I was doing them wrong. 
  2. I am amazed I can lift a fork my arms are so weak, a.k.a. I suck at push-ups...even modified.
  3. For someone with a weak core I can sit up like mad!
  4. I am not the 17 yr old sprinter I once was. 
  5. I am all about calling my own bullshit, after realizing I didn't touch my chest 2x on push-ups I started counting over even though no one called a no rep on me. 
  6. I am really bad at counting and focusing on working out...I need a ref (can I hire one)
  7. In 8 min I did more work than I do in my 30 min runs and my post workout high reflected that. 
  8. Adrenalin is way better than coffee. 
I completed the workout in time would have been shorter but I stopped at the wrong line (crap!) so I walked the last 6 seconds. Calling my own shit thank you. I completed this energizing and grueling workout faster than I have ever been able to run a mile. Rock out!!! 

After the workout we had a short lesson on Movement Anantomy (can you say happy geek girl) then we all parted ways and went home to rest up for the next day. 

I wasn't super sore Tuesday but I was a bit stiff so I was thinking an easy run would work the kinks out. Not so much...Hear me now people, REST!

Today I woke up really sore, which I love, and somewhat stiff. I was actually nervous about being able to WOD and since you don't know what you are doing until you get there all I could do was pray for nothing involving push-ups. I had told Fircracker I would take her to the zoo since it just the two of us on Wednesdays so that was 2 hours of walking around and lifting her. By 4pm I was really nervous about class but by 4:30 I had the type of butterflies you get when you are 15 and dating THAT guy. Really? Butterflies?


So finally after waiting all day it was 5:00 and I headed to the box. We had a little meet and greet before class again and met some new participants. Then we went into the box where we checked out the whiteboard for today's happenings. I am glad I have some acting background because I needed it to hide how excited I was to be doing bar work. 

We started our basics training learning how to properly deadlift, press and push press using a pvc pipe. I was super psyched and finally felt like those hours of watching crossfit vids on You Tube paid off haha. After we were all formed out we started our workout. 


7min amrap
7 burpees (really Charlie...burpees?!?)
7 dead lifts
7 push presses

Amrap is where you do the defined number of reps for each exercise completing as many sets as you can in the time defined. But really...burpees? Don't get me wrong I have one of those love hate things with burpees. I love them I do because when you are done you feel like a rock star but I hate them...especially when my arms are on fire already from a workout 2 days ago. But crossfit isn't here to baby you or wipe your is here to kick it. So suck it up buttercup. 

Things I learned tonight - 
  1. I loved this workout and I love push presses. 
  2. I need to dress like I am going to be doing handstands, no one wants to see this ghost white belly while I am doing burpees. 
  3. I still can't count and focus on form (ref for hire). 
  4. Having someone behind you telling you to keep fighting is AWESOME!
  5. When I decided to be humble and work hard for CF I meant is easy to feel like Thor while working out but I don't need to parade that. 
  6. My knees get really purple!
  7. I think I get too focused on perfect form.
  8. If I were 10 years younger I would dedicate my life to crossfit
  9. Again with the adrenalin
  10. I need to make sure I am sufficiently fed for crossfit days. 
I completed today's workout 2 push presses shy of 4 sets. I think that if I hadn't been so concerned with tucking in and adjusting my shirt I would have had 4. Or if I had pushed harder on those presses. Regardless I didn't feel I gave it 100% today. Disappointing but motivating. 

Afterward we got into some basics about crossfitting. Definition of fitness, the hopper and the rationale behind it all. Charlie also encourages us to go home and read up...I wonder if I am the only one staying up until midnight reading and watching crossfit vids haha. 

Overall I will say that crossfit is everything I thought it would be. I am in no way disappointed. The workouts are amazing, Crossfit Regineration is absolutely perfect and I love it as much as I thought I would. I honestly want to sit and read, watch, or do crossfit all day. I am having a hard time focusing on this craft fair because I would rather grab a broom stick and practice form. Crossfit isn't just a workout or the next best thing (although it is best IMHO) it is exercise that challenges you physically and mentally. It is you going in each day not knowing what your day is going to be like there and you are still willing to go give it your all and never quit. It wont just give you physical toughness, it gives you mental strength as well. 

Don't get me wrong...I know we have been doing easy stuff compared with what is to come. I mean I was push pressing with just a bar which I think was 45 lbs...or 35 something. We haven't even touched pull ups or thrusters (Fran anyone?) but I am so ready for those days...where I feel like I want to die rather than do one more burpee but I do them anyway. I want to get into those moments where I think I am completely gassed but then I push on. 

WOD Addiction

I am only hoping that tomorrow I can keep up in Taekwando and I am praying no push-ups!!

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