Thursday, September 13, 2012

Rips & Kips

So tonight was a fun night at CrossFit Regineration, but then every time I am there it is fun. Today was like play time however! Don't get me wrong I felt the urge to yak post WOD but it was what we learned and what we did that had me excited...pull ups.I love pull ups and have always thought they were cool. I actually used to be able to do 10 unassisted but not anymore. Tonight we didn't go through a slow process of a pull up we went from 0 to kipping a pull up. Let's all say it together...rock out.

I don't know why I love kipping, maybe it reminds me of gymnastics or maybe it is because everyone looks super stellar doing it. Regardless I was completely geeked when I realized we were going to be doing our pull ups that way. The first time I saw kipping pull ups I remember thinking, now that is genius right there. Using whole body power to get up.

I need to digress a moment, I love that while this is a beginners class, CrossFit Charlie only treats us as such for a moment. I remember thinking it would probably be weeks before we did our first official WOD, no he had us killing ourselves the first day. He teaches us but doesn't baby us. It is perfect and even moreso today learning a skill I have been itching to do.

I did scale my pull ups with a rather heavy band that gave a lot of support but man when I got my groove I felt like freaking Batman flying through my pull ups. I did them so quick that I have spent the night thinking I a missed a round and am happy I interacted with my classmates every sprint so I knew I did 4 rounds.

Here is tonight's workout...

4 rounds for time (10 time cap)
100m sprint
7 pull ups (scaled)
25 squats

Time 8:47

A couple of things. I need to work on my sprints. I jog and I need to stop, I just feel like I weigh a ton running and I want to change that. Second I friggin love kipping pull ups. Last squats hurt when you are already sore. Also...rippers are real lol.


Actually I didn't even feel them, I looked down to see if I needed more chalk and was like whoa I ripped my hands. After making sure I wasn't excessively swinging (hence causing the rippers) I just got on with it. The best part about tonight's workout was that I never thought. I didn't think about anything not even my kipping form, nothing my mind was clear and I think that really contributed to my success. I know it did because there was a moment when I started whining internally about my burning aching thighs during squats and I stopped and took a break. Realized I was killing it wiped my mind clear and got to it. 

We also had a chat about sickness, wellness and fitness...interesting stuff. I had to take a photo of this because this is what I want. 

fitness = super wellness (sorry my arms were shakey)

I totally walked out of my house without my camera which sucks because I would have loved to have photos of this workout but alas it wouldn't be real if I didn't have ones of me truly struggling! So next time I will have it with me. And for my non-CrossFit peeps...kipping pull ups. 

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