Friday, September 14, 2012

My favorite season

I love Fall, there about 100 reasons from the cooler weather to the festivals but I love all of it. I got married in the fall, I mean I just love it. One thing that Fall also brings is the longing for warm snuggley comfort food. Food that warms your heart and soul. I mentioned in a previous post how I don't eat salad after Summer and it is because my body totally transitions to fall and winter noshing.

While it is still in the low 80s high 70s here the shorter days and hint of Fall in the air have made me start craving things like pumpkin, apples, cider and coffee. I don't however want to chuck it all in and just eat with reckless abandon and this year is different because there are so many foods off of my list. No scones, pumpkin bread or pie, expensive coffee drinks or pastries...hmmm all of that extra weight is starting to make sense. I do plan on making some great paleo versions of my old favorites and have already tried an amazing pumpkin muffin recipe. I am also excited because I have been wanting some hearty stick to your ribs hunter style stews but it is just too dang hot here. Bring on the cold!!

I wanted to share with two things I had today to satisfy my fall cravings.

These are apples sprinkled with apple pie spice. All of the benefits of this amazing enzyme rich fruit and the flavor of pie without the sugar and wheat!

Paleo-ish mocha. I mixed hot cocoa mix (not paleo) with coconut milk & coffee. 

Now my mocha was made with Penzeys' hot cocoa mix, it does have sugar in it, but the reason we bought it before was because you taste the cocoa not the sugar as it isn't very sweet. I will make this in the future when I get my next bag of plain cocoa without sugar, but I really wanted a mocha so the tsp I used isn't going to kill me. 

I have been reading up a lot on paleo treats lately. It is the time of parties and dinner and I need to make sure I bring versions of treats that I can eat and are actually tasty. I will be playing a lot here soon so I am sure I will post some nummies on here. 

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