Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Welp, tonight was  CrossFit Wednesday...killer. I was so excited about today and my workout. Even though I was still feeling the after effects of being wheated. I even added some protein with a shake trying to get the right balance for energy. In fact I had energy all day until 5:30. :D So tonight's workout was fun as usual but a little more than we have done rounds wise. We had...

5 Rounds for Time
7 wall balls
7 push ups( I loathe)
7 pull ups (we aren't talking either)
Time 9:33

For as geeked as I was to be there my workout didn't reflect it. I was finished before I started. I mean I just didn't have it in me tonight. I was so tired and was having a hard time breathing {I am finally accepting that I am coming down with something}, but I didn't quit and I did it. Every damn day, no excuses right? Tonight felt a bit like gym class where you have been running suicides and you want to climb in a hole and die because you are so tired. That was me but it wasn't because of the workout necessarily it was because of the way I felt and the mind game I was playing with myself. 

I love CrossFit (in case you didn't get that) I want to live it, I do most of the time. I spend an hour each night reading and watching You Tube videos to learn everything I can. I do handstands all over my house as well as practice forms with my broom, I am obsessed to say the least. After only 3 weeks I feel amazing, I am seeing tone and I am loosing weight like crazy even though I can see the muscle I am building. Tonight ole grumpy Glenda got to me apparently. I was in a foul-ish mood when I got there but cheered up when I started talking to me CF peeps and went with it. I was excited about my hot pink tape, which didn't work {does anyone remember tuff skin spray from high school?}, I was happy to practice kipping pull ups but when it was time for business I was a total head case. Whoa is me I can't do this today, I am so tired, not push ups...meh meh blah blah. So while I finished in less than 10 min I struggled. I took long breaks trying to catch my wheezey breath. I didn't even push myself on the push ups and I have been excited for wall balls but didn't care for them today. I was taxed to say the least. I was a whiney and probably a tad hormonal beechaa chaa...internally of course,outside I was nice to everyone around me. 

I was happy to get to talk to Mrs CrossFit Charlie, Kari, after class about recovery nutrition and getting these muscles to be happy. Great info coming out of that. Wondering if I should apologize about my gabbiness...should have warned her, haha. I left feeling good but exhausted. She said if I want to go to sleep at 9 go to sleep, so I think I will. Mo better fun post later 46 peeps!!!

Oh and I actually brought my camera today but forgot to give it to CF Charlie, ugh...he had some from last week. Rock out and enjoy!

3, 2, 1, GO 100m sprints. I am the only goof wearing a hat

scaled kipping pull my mind I felt like Julie Foucher...nice dose of reality. Man I have long arms ugh but I have yet to smack my face with the bands. 

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