Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Mr Zulu, Prepare to engage thrusters...

I can not believe it has taken me this long to correlate CrossFit Thrusters and Star Trek...really what kind of geek am I?

I will be honest Thrusters have been one move I have been excited to learn.After all it is part of Fran and was all over the games and looks like a challenge, and me, I like challenges. So when Crossfit Charlie said we were doing thrusters I had a huge grin on my face. As we worked on position I started to feel a little insecure. I am crazy about form, I always have been in any fitness class and these felt awkward for me. Actually I had an internal :O face when I realized I wasn't very flexible in this move. After getting jacked in my head about it, it was time to start the WOD. I kind of panicked and even asked if I could practice the thrusters a couple of times with the weighted bar since we had just used our trusty PVC pipe. The form felt more natural with a weighted bar I will say but I was still dealing with a high level of insecurity with it.

So yesterday's WOD (sorry I am a day late) was -

3 rounds for time of
200 m run
10 thrusters
10 sit ups

Final time 9:47

Welcome to the world of ass kicking workouts. This one stood by the clock and handed me my own ass. Before the workout I grabbed a 35 lb bar but felt bad and decided to offer it up to anyone else wanting that weight in exchange for the 45. There are only a few lighter bars and I feel bad hogging a lighter one every workout. Thrusters on full was NOT happening with the 45 lb bar. They were brutal, unforgiving and wonderful. I have always thought it was kind of silly how crossfit athletes drop their bars...they aren't dropping them they are saying "Get the hell away from me I hate you". 

I also finished dead last in this workout. When I say dead last I mean like the entire group was done by a good minute before me and they were all there cheering me on to completion. Surprising to me, I didn't care and actually relished the last place finish. I knew it was hard, I was grinning from getting the ass kicking work out I knew would come with CrossFit and I knew that in the moment I was ready to quit I didn't. I kept on. 

But all whining aside, I love me a thruster, out of everything we have done so far it takes the cake for difficulty. It also grew the respect I already have for the elite CF athletes because they make them look like cake with their smooth transition from front squat to push press. They are anything but cake. I also have to bow down to my friend Leah because Lord know what her thruster PR is but I know it isn't 45lbs and anything over that bar gets my worship.

So since I am going on about these mean little devils I guess I should show you what I am talking about. (not you Leah you already know ;) ) Here is a video of Jason Khalipa making it look easy. 

Before this class started I was doing some easy modified workouts at home one if which involved kettlebell thrusters which I loved...I was using a 10lb kettlebell, no wonder I loved it. Ha!

I won't lie I am really sore today, I was going to throw in a Tabata of push ups and sit ups but decided against it since squatting down to sit is a bit tricky tonight. I am super excited to see what we have on the docket for tomorrow, which I hear may be pull ups. I am going to take my camera in to try to beg and plead for someone to take photos of me getting my WOD on so hopefully I will soon. In the meanwhile...WOD on!

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