Friday, January 20, 2012

Week End Check in - week handles

This post is coming to you after long and lengthy mental battles...fighting over posting it. I really didn't want to post anything. This week was awful. I didn't work out but one day and in general I was super lazy. But since this blog is about accountability I get to write the bad right alongside the good. Let's get to it!!

So last weeks goals...

  • Jillian Michaels Level 2 alternating with couch to 5k (3 days running, 4 days strength)
  • Go 100% gluten free
  • Clean, purge and organize Master Bedroom
What can I say. I went gluten free and partially cleaned out my bedroom. The exercising didn't quite happen. So why not. Let's skip to the what I learned and come back to the whyfors (as my little hobbits call it)

What I learned. 
  • Saying things in a blog post will totally jinx you
  • Eating really is 70% of the battle
  • My Husband rocks and doesn't at the same time. 
  • How bad I really want it...sans hormones. 
Okay so let's start with the first one. If you recall I mentioned not having much PMS but some fatigue...yeah should have kept my mouth shut. It came back with a vengeance. I was exhausted, unmotivated and ate way too much dark chocolate. On top of this my daughter who is 2.5 is refusing to go to bed or sleep at night unless I lay with her. So either I spend 2 hours battling with her or I go to bed at 8. Since I was so tired I chose option 2. So I didn't get a lot of sleep this week which I will attribute to my successful stats. 

Week Stats
Weight - 3 marbles!! 6 total. 
bust - .75
waist - .25
hips  no change 

While I lost weight I don't think my measurements changed much for two reasons, I wasn't toning with Jillian and I took the measurements the day my monthly bill showed up. I could wait a couple of days (after bloating goes down) and retake them but where is the fun in that, I will just have a bigger drop next week and it will motivate me this week. 

Back to the other things I learned. Eating really is 70% of the battle. I used to be of the thought that oh I can eat this or that and just exercise it off. This comes from really not restricting my eating...well all of my life and not putting on much weight for it. If I did creep up a few pounds I could go run a couple of times and it would be gone. I am not that person anymore. Having two kids and turning 30 changed that. I am going to be that person again because maintaining muscle turns you into a fat burning machine. So while I didn't workout at all and completely failed there I stuck to my guns of eating paleo except the one day I ate some serious dark chocolate. It was low sugar chocolate but I ate a lot of it.

So why my husband rocks and doesn't. He rocks because the other morning he was hugging me calling me skinny because he could feel where I had lost weight and was trying to pinch and there was nothing there...this is at my high waist where I always lose weight first. Nonetheless it rocked!! Why he doesn't rock...he has lost 9lbs by proxy...see eating is 70% of the battle...

The last thing I learned was that this time I really have changed and am ready. In the past I would have completely thrown in the towel and chowed on Hooters fried shrimp and all other types of non paleo unhealthy foods. This time the cravings (exception chocolate) just weren't there. It was easy to maintain the paleo-ish eating I had going on. I did have some tests of will power and really just said to myself "is it really worth it". I forgave myself for not working out, I can pick back up next week but I wasn't going to allow myself to completely throw in the towel just to "start all over" again later. I have played that game before and I always lose.

This week's photos.

 This weeks picture

 Comparison week one & current week. 

I love that I am starting to look less pregnant everyday. I have a dress I love so much but every single time I wear it someone makes a comment about me being pregnant. Ugh. It isn't their fault, I am the one with the beer gut! or well left over baby gut. I don't really feel like I am losing a lot in my thighs, they are always the last to go. I will say however that I am going to have to buy a belt. I don't have any jeans that will stay up right now. A belt is cheaper than buying all new jeans. I have smaller jeans, you know it we all hang onto our smaller jeans, I am just too afraid to get them out. I have one pair of skinny jeans I bought after I had my son and I would rock them out...I haven't been able to get back in to them since my daughter. The level of their awesomeness is enough to motivate me every day haha. Soon I am getting those puppies out!

I am working on next weeks goals and will have them up in the next day or so. I would love to hear about how any of you are doing and hiccups or challenges. I have received some feed back from friends and would love to know what is going on in your world!!

Also come follow my on Twitter @supermomsteurer  and follow my pinterest boards...feed my addiction!!

1 comment:

  1. OK, so now I am looking forward to your blogs and pictures since I found it last week. I went out partially because of your blog and another friend of mine and got the 30 day shred, to go along with my curves membership that I start in the middle of last year. Stamina is getting better. Today is day five of the shred. I don't know what I have lost yet I am not measuring until Monday but I am wearing a pair of jeans that 2 weeks ago were to uncomfortable to wear so that so far is enough to keep me going. I am also sleeping much better than I was before. Thanks for helping to keep my motivation going. Your blog was a great idea.
