Thursday, January 26, 2012

Pantry Purge...

So while evaluating where I needed to take things to ramp it up for next weeks' goals, I realized I never did a post on my week 4 goals. What can I say I am totally slacking at the moment. Life has hit a busy road and I am trying to rearrange it so I have more free time for kids.  It is taking all I have to get my workouts in. However, after some time management and planning I should have plenty of time to blog. Okay enough about that.

So I decided for week 5 I am going to go all in paleo. I have been relatively paleo with some polenta and gluten free items thrown in here and there. Today I am actually purging my kitchen of any and all non paleo items. I am going to eat only paleo with the exception of some raw cheese and cream (for my coffee 1 tbsp a day). I am going to go die hard and keep my carbs really low but above a ketogentic state of eating since I am running 3 days a week. I could go more into ketosis but then you would see how geeky I am about food so I will just let you google it. This isn't going to be too hard because I have already gone through the detox part but I think it will jump start my weight loss again.

I got to thinking I should share my purge with you because we hadn't talked about clearing the closet of food. I HIGHLY recommend the pantry purge. Most diet books/experts will tell you to do this. I think it is hard for most of us because it can be really wasteful to just start pitching stuff. I think it is awful to just throw food away because I am changing my lifestyle not to mention expensive. What I have actually done over the last 4 weeks is transition my pantry to a paleo pantry and essentially now I am left with a few random items I either need to eat or pitch. All open containers and such are getting pitched. I would donate anything not opened and nonperishable but we don't' keep a lot of stock around. I essentially shop for that week's menu and so we eat most everything we buy. I basically have staples laying around taking up precious pantry real estate. They are being evicted. If you have chosen a lifestyle to follow on your path to health & fitness do the same. Ditch the old saddlebag{filler}s and restock with new healthy goal foods.

What I found/purged. I found a lot of sugar in there...a lot. The thing is I don't bake a lot and I only put sugar in my tea and coffee so where did all of this stuff come from. It got pitched. Sugar-esque items I kept were agave and honey. These are better to sweeten with so this will be what I will use with the kids. However, sugar is sugar so I will not be eating these and the kids will get it in moderation. I also found lots of flours from where we used to bake a ton of bread. Some pastas and rice out the door. Otherwise it was pretty good and ended up looking like this...

Leftover spices, cereal for the kids, aforementioned sweeteners. One bag of sugar I am keeping for my soda brewing hubby. Plenty of room for healthy foods! I also found  ton of this...

Protein anyone. I kept putting tuna on the list for the grocery, I think I am good for a while haha.

So if you get some time this weekend spend some quality time with your pantry and fridge. Get rid of foods not on your list or trigger foods. I don't keep a lot of sweets and treats around for the kids because my kids are weird and would rather have fruit or celery. Things I do buy for their sometimes foods are not things I would eat. Since I went through my detox I don't really have any trigger foods anymore. Food is just...well food. It is something I only think about when my stomach makes some noise. I have an appetite when I am hungry and that is it. I eat until I am satisfied not even is pretty amazing actually.

While purging though I found this. Something I should have pitched but decided to bake and eat some. Blackberry Cobbler. In the summer we went and picked berries for my daughter's second birthday. We have used the berries for smoothies and such but they were getting old so I decided to make this. It was really good and I only had a bit which was plenty. I did have a bit of a grain hangover today but nothing too bad.

It was good. 

I know it isn't reveal time yet but today while walking out of the bathroom I saw this so I had to come back and take a picture. I am so happy to get rid of my preggy gut...I have clothes that are getting to the point I can't wear them because they are so big. I actually put on a tee shirt the other day and thought I had found an old maternity shirt because it was baggy at the bottom around my belly. Can you say EEK. I even had to hijacked one of my hubby's belts because I don't own any that are actually made to hold up your pants and I needed my pants held up. Now I need to work on those Wild West grade saddlebags!!

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