Friday, January 13, 2012

Week End Check in - Week 2

Well I had planned on posting a book review next and BAM my week ended. So without further adieu...

I should start this post out with this weeks pics & measurements (spoiler alert...they rock) but I really want to start with talking about this week.

So last week I had 4 goals

  • Wake early & complete JM  level 1 workout each morning
  • Add 3 days of 30 min walk on treadmill per week
  • Stick with cooler 1 plan of clean eating this week
  • Read 30 min each night
Of these goals I...well I read almost every night ;) Out of 7 days I did workout 4, doing Jillian Michaels. My treadmill...well not so much. I tell you this because for one the purpose of this blog is accountability. I come here and truly confess. Second reason is because even though I kept falling off of the exercise wagon I stuck to my diet wagon. So while I had a day where I felt lazy or tired and didn't do 20 minutes of exercise...instead of beating myself up over it I forgave myself & I let it go. I ate right and planned to hit tomorrow with gusto, which I did. 

I am like most people, I am an all or nothing girl. I want perfection and when I don't see it happening I tend to just throw in the towel. It is not a right or healthy way of living. I have learned over the years (and after having kids) that it doesn't have to be that way. Most areas of my life I have been able to adjust however when it has come to my weight loss goals I couldn't seem to shake it. "Welp had a rotten lunch, I guess I will keep eating bad for the next 6 months" "well missed 2 days of working, I will just stay here on the couch" I vowed to myself to not be this way in 2012. It is extremely detrimental to your goal. Do you think the olympic athlete settles for that silver medal...I mean that is second place in all of the whole world. Hell no! The next day they are already training and talking to their coaches about how to win in 4 years. So why do we do it and think it is perfectly fine to throw in the towel after one hiccup?

I love this...

Good advice...

It is so true...

So all of that being said what I learned this week. 
  • It won't kill me if I miss a workout I just have to keep going the next day. 
  • Sometimes reasons are just reasons not excuses (i.e. kids not sleeping, pms)
  • A treat really is a treat and not a cheat if you keep portions small. 
  • Determination yields results...period. 
My Weekly Stats are:
  • Weight  - 2lbs
  • Waist - 2inches
  • bust - 1 inch
  • hips -.25 inch
Not bad for a week with some hiccups. 

Here are this weeks photos. 

weeks 2 & 3 down 2 lbs 

I also wanted to show this. 
The difference in week 1 & 3

Before I end this post I wanted to talk about one of the things I learned. **warning motivation coming** haha. I hope anyway.I want to address the point of sometimes reasons are just reasons. This week brought us the full moon. My kids don't sleep for at least 3 nights around the full moon. This also marked the week before I get my monthly bill. My biggest symptom of PMS is fatigue. These are facts. My kids kept my husband and I up allnight for 3 nights, my 2 yr old still isn't going to sleep before 10pm. If I don't get a good night's sleep I can't get up at 5:50 to work out...even moreso if PMS is factoring in. So if I sleep in an hour and don't work out in the morning chances are it isn't happening. I only woke up early one day this whole week and it was yesterday and I worked out first thing, the other days I just had to work it in. The thing to remember is that a reason is a reason until you allow it to be an excuse. So sure I had the reason why I didn't get up early everyday but I didn't make it an excuse to completely drop all of my efforts. Don't give that reason any more power than it should have. Say "okay I skipped my workout today but I will get back to it tomorrow" then get back to it. Don't throw in the towel completely. You read everywhere that it is 70% diet 30% exercise & things like abs are made in the gym & revealed in the kitchen. This is totally true so if you do skip a day of exercise make sure you tighten up whatever our plan is and eat right. 

So what if your slip up or lacking area is your diet for the week. Well this happened to me one day, actually yesterday. I got stuck having to take my kids to the dentist at 1pm after picking them up from preschool at noon. We weren't going to have time to sit and eat, it was going to be an eat and run moment. We stopped by Chikfila because it is on the way and easy to eat in the car. I was totally famished. I had got up did my Jillian Michaels and then had a peanut butter/banana protein smoothie and then my day took off. I didn't get my morning snack in so when 12:30 hit and it was lunch time I ended up ordering nuggets & fries. I had convinced myself that there was nothing paleo to eat there since everything has a bread product, but failed to talk myself into a wrap that while it isn't paleo it is clean (sans dressing & with fruit). I didn't make a good choice I was entirely too hungry and my primal instincts of eating glucose and fat had kicked in. Now mind you after I had my nuggets and fries (actually only ate half of  them because I wanted protein more than, crazy I know) I was able to think straight and realized I should have ordered the new grilled nugget kids meal with fruit. Did I wallow in that? No. Did I take the rest of the day and eat junk? No. I actually made a really good Paleo Chili for dinner to make up for it. 

I didn't beat myself up or come home and force an hour workout on the treadmill. I recognized it, made a mental note of what to do next time, forgave myself and moved on. If you really want it, it is there. It is in you, you just have to find it. The Will and determination. I know you can do it because if I, Jaime Queen of Excuses, can do it, so can you. 

I will be posting my next weeks goals tomorrow and then the book review. 

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