Sunday, January 29, 2012

Week 4 round-up and week 5 goals and Po

I have hit a wall.

The weather effects me this time of year, lack of sunshine, gloomy days and the cold. It makes me want to do 2 things...lay on the couch under a big blanket and sleep or lay in my bed and sleep. The thing is that eating healthy and even exercise do not improve this, only sunshine. I have been regimental about my vitamin D everyday and trying to get whatever light I can but it is what it is.

This week I stuck to my eating guns and threw in exercise when I could, mostly running, and abs everyday. There was one morning when I was ravenous and literally only had time for a doughnut (of which I was getting my oldest for his last junk hoorah) it tasted awful and felt even worse in my mouth haha. The thought of a doughnut now makes me want to hurl. Otherwise it was all paleo with some random cheeses and grainfoods (not gluten)

All in all I wasn't too disappointed, I am still losing inches. I have even received a couple of compliments this week which you know is always inspiring.

This week's stats

  • weight -1
  • waist -.5
  • bust - .75 (they just keep shrinking!)
  • hips -.5

So I only lost a pound but the inches keep going down. I am more concerned with that than anything. Which leads me to what I've learned this week.

  • Inches really to mean more than pounds
  • Gluten is evil & I am a cavewoman
  • Feeling good about yourself feels good
  • It is time to step things up...
So for starters...Inches really do mean more than pounds. My scale is...inching. I get on it barely moves, it would be really easy to get frustrated if I wasn't taking weekly pictures and my jeans weren't literally falling off of me. I get why people say ditch the scale, and it is a great idea...but I am a numbers girl and while it is silly because these numbers aren't really meaning much I still want to see them. 

I love being Paleo. I feel better, I have more energy and I swear my fibroid is shrinking. I also have almost no congestion, as in that swamp thick crud in the back of your throat. I did however get a harsh dash of it after eating the doughnut and I know it was either the dairy element or the gluten. Either way I won't be turning to either any time soon for nourishment. I am also going to veer my kids toward a more paleo life. They won't be 100% because of school snacks and such but at home we will be all about it. Did I mention Mr. Minus keeps losing weight...frustrating. I have also started to crave protein over carbs when hungry. It used to be if I was starving I would go straight for sugar, now I am like man do I have some chicken or leftover beef! I am a cavewoman haha. But, as I have said before, do what works for you. I may sound like a Paleo advocate (ok I am) but if you found a way of eating that works for you stick with it and own it. I have become a cavewoman you become what you need to suceed. 

I feel good about myself, I took that journey last year but it doesn't mean there aren't times when I am getting dressed and I have to run through 10 outfits until I convince myself people can't see my excess weight. Last night however I had a plan for what to wear on my date night with Mr. Minus...and I wore it. I actually had out 2 outfits and an alternative in mind, just in case. I didn't need any backups...first one on was the one a wore. It was dress I got for my birthday that I was wearing a lot but every time I wore it someone commented on me being pregnant...ugh. This time there was none of that not only did it look great but I felt amazing & better yet our date didn't start out stressful from my being unhappy with my ensemble and we were early to our reservations because I wasn't changing every 5 minutes. So feeling good about yourself in a different way is amazing!

Last Learned thing...It is time to amp things up. I have lost 7 pounds and a pants size. I have tone muscles, I feel them and I feel stronger but I still have a lot of fat covering them. I could continue this way eeking my way to 46 lbs lost but I am not an eeking type person. I like to think I am like a juggernaut get me started and I just gain momentum. So without further adieu here are next week's goals. 

Week 5 goals
  • amp up couch to 5k training
  • go strict paleo watching portion sizes hidden carbs, drink water!
  • finish my very much neglected Jillian Michaels program
  • Get sunshine...
So my plan is this. For starters I have been training for a 5k but a friend of mine is doing the Derby miniMarathon and I have signed on to be part of her team (ironically it is YUM...seller of junk foods). They have a great program which really impressed me. I really want to start running our spring miniMarathon again so bad but didn't commit it to my 2012 goals because it is hard to find 30 min to run much less 2 hours. Things are typically easier with a friend so I might just make it happen captain. We may walk more than run but it will still be a fun and I think I talked her into wearing funky running knee socks with me :D 

I am already pretty paleo, but there are still some foods I am eating mainly for convenience that fall along the nonpaleo and more clean options. They are gluten free but not grain free. I am 86ing these from this point on. Things like corn tortillas, polenta etc. I also plan to start adding more high antioxidant foods into my paleo plan. Berries and greens, lots of greens are in my future. This is awesome though because I love greens. Morning, noon, and night...bring it on. I also need to drink more water. Over the years I have dropped my water habit, you could say I am a recovering wateraholic. I just find that even when I am thirsty I tend to ignore it because I am busy or in the middle of something, then like a food craving, it passes. To make sure I get at least a good gallon of water in a day I am filling a pitcher and placing in my fridge every night before I go to bed so I will have ice cold water all day and a way to measure it, I always lose count even when marking it in my journal. I also want to add that this was my first date night since going paleo. It was easy. They had a bacon wrapped shrimp appetizer and I got a steak with asparagus & brussels sprouts. I did have wine but one glass and drank lots of water. Finished with coffee instead of dessert...eating out paleo...nailed it!

I have got to finish my 30 day shred. I have been exploring other options for strength training like p90x, crossfit and even kick boxing but none of these will happen until I finish what I started. I really want to take kick boxing where my son takes Tae kwan do so if I finish my last 2 weeks of shred I should be good to start that. I have my athletic itch again and I need to scratch it. The 30 day shred has helped me gain back a lot of strength I lost being inactive for the last 5 years. I want to finish so I am at a good starting point to get crazy haha. 

Getting sunshine will be easy if the sun is out. I do plan on going outside and standing in the sun for a good 20 min at least on the day there is sun. I have also made a point to open all windows in the house when the sun is out. I typically leave them closed because it keeps the house warmer but I would rather have the light and have to put on a sweater then keep these winter blahs. I almost went to the tanning bed the other day just trying to get rid of this crappy feeling. 

So here is this week's picture. Not much change honestly and my lack of big belly is started to make me see the other areas needing fat! I don't want to be a skinny fat person, I want to be a skinny fit person. Muscles are sexy. 

Before I end this post I have to talk about my new friend Po. Po is the panda from Kung fu panda. My kids loved the movie and love the show. I like Po. He is a great character (played by the ever awesome Jack Black) but he is also a loyal friend and fierce fighter on the show. He also uses my new favorite word...awesomeness!! He is a bit lazy and eats too much but he also shows that no matter how hard the situation is you have to do the work, there are no short cuts and if you want to be the dragon warrior you have to work at it. We all should strive to be the dragon warrior...

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