Saturday, January 7, 2012

Hitting the sugar wall...

I am posting tonight from my bed on my phone. It is 9:30 and I am tanked. I am in the midst of feeling the effects of a sugar Detox. I don't really eat a lot of sugar per se but right now I am following a very clean, on the verge of, a paleo diet. I have not had a single processed carbohydrates or sugar food on about 6 days. Not even a cheat. I have been weaning myself off of milk switching to almond milk and am only eating sweet potatoes or polenta as a carb serving.

Up until today I have felt great, lots of energy. I have powered through my workouts and felt bursts of energy. However yesterday I was insane wanting sugar. I was thinking of cookies, pie and chocolate. These are not staples in my diet so I knew I had started the Detox. My brain was crazy but overall I felt fine and just rested and kept busy to resist cravings.

Today has been much worse, much worse. I got up had some eggs & egg whites with asparagus, my usual coffee & water and went to workout. While I got through it fine I just felt drained. My day just kept getting more interesting. I kept getting more and more figity so I tried to keep myself busy sewing. Then I started to notice myself withdrawaling from my family. Just wanting to be alone, feeling sad and still restless. I even snapped at my hubby for no reason. All side effects of this stage of transition to a new lifestyle.

This is going to be the hardest part of my change. Today I kept thinking of what a caterpillar must feel like to transform. I doubt it thinks about stealing their kids hot cocoa or looks up sweet-ish paleo recipes online. I am sure however it feels every bit of it's transformation. But unlike the caterpillar I have a choice. I am not locked in a cocoon where I can't just say screw it all and eat a fat bowl of pasta. No I am confined only by Will...Will Powers. We have become good friends Will and I, he has been a faithful friend these last 8 days and whenever I consider jumping off of the wagon he tethers me tightly. He is a constant voice of encouragement and a brick wall of discipline. I hope he sticks around.

For now I am going to lay here read a book maybe surf pinterest and tweet about my agony. I am staying out of my kitchen and keepig Will close. No I may not be in a cocoon but I can be like the caterpillar...because if you remember he binged on junk and felt awful...but after he ate some healthy leaves he became the beautiful butterfly...

Update: I'm restless and has some additional thoughts. First I want to tell you that I have done this before and have detoxed in the past. In about a day or so I will feel amazing. I do have that going for me so while I.sit here unable to get comfy and freezing I know there is light at the end of the tunnel...maybe I will do a post on surviving a sugar Detox.  

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