Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Dressed for Success

I don't know if I have mentioned this before but I am a work at home mom. I can roll out of bed, hair sticking up, dragon breath and sit down and work if I wish to, and I have. On days when I go through carpool I could actually throw on a bra some boots and go in my jammies. I am sure that there are a lot of stay at home and working moms who do the same thing in different ways. Wearing sweats or the ever available stretchy slacks & suit pants.

My son said something to me one day that really brought my wardrobe into perspective. He said "mommy you sleep in your clothes" well I don't sleep in my clothes. I have an extensive PJ drawer, I love PJs, but after some thought I realized what he was telling me. My clothes looked like they could be pajamas or that I could sleep in them. Mind you this was coming from Mister I will only wear comfy pants 99% of the time. Anyway! I used to be rather fashionable. I love clothes and fashion. When I worked in the office I had a pretty decent wardrobe ranging from suits to business casual. I was also much...much thinner.

When I got pregnant with my son I had way too much fun shopping for maternity clothes. They were all comfy and I didn't mind showing off my bump (little did I know it wanted to stay). I started working from home when my son was 3 months old. I was still in stretchy & early maternity things. There is where I stayed. If I needed something for a special occasion I went out and bought it. In all honesty I can say that with the exception of the 2x being pregnant I have not felt like I have looked good in 5 years. I felt like I was always trying to hide my weight (as if people can't see it under that over-sized shirt...really?) The most troubling thing about the last 5 years is that 99% of the time I felt fine and comfortable and had even told myself I looked fine. 99% of the time I was wearing some form of jersey or lycra... The other 1% I would spend having fits while completely tearing apart my bedroom in search of that one treasure that would fit my huge hump in the back and front. I have actually skipped being social because of the stress and anxiety of trying to find something to wear.

So when my sweet baby boy made his comment I kind of told myself "you know he is right, you are never going to get anywhere slumming it all of the time" I made the decision at that point that when I got dressed I had two options.

reward?Option 1 - You read everywhere to lay out workout clothes the night before, pack them in your car, hang them on your mirror, whatever is needed to remind yourself to workout. Well seeing that I am at home all day and can bust out a 30 days shred or treadmill jaunt anytime, I decided that on the days that I slept in or planned on working out later I would dress in workout clothing. I am not talking sweats and baggy stuff. I am talking tight running crops and a tank top with a fitted tee over it. This way every time I saw myself in the mirror or looked down I got my workout reminder. So if say the kids were eating lunch and were occupied and I wasn't working at that moment I could hop on the treadmill and watch the afternoon news or Martha Stewart reruns. I know if you work outside of the home this isn't an option but make the habit of walking in the door and throwing on your workout gear, or practice this on the weekends. It works every time and very rarely do I go get ready for bed and not have worked out.

I LOVE this combo.  I'm not so good at putting things together on my own, but other folks do a great job!Option 2 - If there is a day where I am not planning on working out for whatever reason or I actually do get up and get my early one in I will make sure that I dress to the shoes, as I like to call it. This means that I wear something I would run errands or have coffee with a friend in. A good pair of jeans, shirt, cardigan and earrings...earrings make me feel special even little casual ones. Sometimes I will even wear a skirt. I am a big fan of Matilda Jane for adults. Their clothes are comfy but look like you made an effort. I wear them a lot. They run a bit on the small side which I like because while they are comfy they are like wearing jeans, you are always aware of how they fit.

Another thing I do is make sure my hair looks nice, even on workout days. A small barrette, cute pony or braid on workout days. Blown out and managed on non or post workout days. Throw on some mascara or light make up and there you go. Feeling amazing without even leaving the house but if you do have to leave the house you look like you give a damn.

This has made a big difference in my desire to lose weight. It is no fun to be late because you are having an all out brawl with your closet while your poor husband, who just wants a date night and some of your attention, is sighing and repeating over and over..."that looks good, you look fine". I have a personal sense of isn't along the lines of InStyle magazine but I like it and it doesn't show when I am overweight. Plus there is nothing better then pulling out a pair of fresh washed jeans and bam those suckers are a little baggy straight from the dryer!!

So give this method a try. Wear something that will make you aware of your current place and where you want to be. Don't wear those baggy suit pants, put on the tighter will be less likely to hit up the office vending machine. If you are an at home mom like me wear jeans or something that not only makes you feel good but fits so you feel it. Feel great about yourself everyday and dress to show that you feel amazing...because you are amazing. People may even compliment you before you lose a pound. :D

Next post - book review...Clean Eating:Recharged

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