Sunday, August 5, 2012

Crossfit a new journey...

Most of you may have heard of crossfit before. It is trending like a Kardashian tweet these days. It is sure to be one of the next big things as Crossfit Boxes pop up everywhere. Reebok even has an entire crossfit line of gear and their annual games are getting bigger. Crossfit is a unique type of fitness focusing on strength training.

It is raw, it is hard core. I get why it is called a cult because it seems that once people get into it they are hooked and completely devoted. However, with this type of fitness program, you almost have to be devoted to see any real results. This isn't an I will go once a week maybe give 50% effort type of workout. If you are fighting Fran and don't want her to kick your a** you are going to have to show up and work. I mean have you seen a burpeee muscle up? You aren't mastering that skill working out once a week with little devotion.

I first heard about crossfit on the Paleo Solution podcast and of course I googled it. After reading and seeing pictures and videos on you tube I was completely fascinated and ready to try, it was right up my alley. Hardcore, challenging workouts that almost appear to be designed to bust your balls. Plus who doesn't want to say they killed their W.O.D, yes I am a 12 yr old. I am always looking for a way to kill myself with fitness.  One of the reasons I like running is because it is hard, sure you can phone it in a do a light jog and make it easy but you can also bust your but running hard and long. I loved track because for a short amount of time I could kill myself and feel great when I was done. You have seen the shirts "I love to run...after I am finished" I am so that girl. That "I hated that run I am dying...can't wait to do it over tomorrow" girl. Crossfit seems to be a good fit for an exercise masochist like myself.

#CrossFit, and life.

Joining a crossfit gym can be pretty pricey so I have been unable to so far. I think it is worth the money because you essentially can get unlimited personal training workouts (aka W.O.D {workout of the day}) for about $100-$125 a month.You also get camaraderie and support, something that can be lost with gym rats and large crowds. I mean who better to have your back than the other cult members, right? ;) This was so evident during the 2012 Crossfit games when the last guy or girl who was struggling through the insane...yes INSANE...workouts was cheered on by the other competitors. I meal the people were rallying around these athletes cheering them on to finish the last set. Amazing.

As a woman I love that Crossfit has brought sexy back to weight training. I have always loved weight training, not the 3 lb weights class you take at the gym, but the hanging out in the smelly, spitting, yelling testosterone valley. I loved how strong it made me feel and watching myself lift more and more weight. Coincidentally it was also the time in my adult life I was the thinnest and lightest. I had great muscles you could see but I was not bulked up at all, I was actually smaller and tighter than I had been. I have been trying to add more weight training from home using Jillian Michaels DVDs and my xbox fitness game but I I don't have anything heavier than my 10lb weights and kettlebell. However even with these weights and the little I do, I have noticed I have more power in my running since adding weights than when I was just running.

Hahaha~ love this!!

So I am finally getting the opportunity to try Crossfit for real. Living social ran a deal for a beginner class at a local Crossfit Box and I snatched it up faster than Annie Thorisdottier grabbing the bar in the crossfit games. It is for a 6 week class that starts in September. Being the weenie that I am I don't want to go in there totally out of shape and without some research. Luckily Pinterest loves me and I came across an at home beginner crossfit workout that is 2 weeks long and perfect to get me acquainted with the workouts I will most likely be doing. You can find this workout here. I completed my first day today which was 3 exercises done in 3 sets as fast as you can (aka for time). This is a beginning workout and I will tell you I am absolutely a beginner. I have to say it was the hardest 14 minute workout I have done in a long time. I was breathing as hard as I would be after a run and I had to fight for that last set. Also I freaking loved it.

I know this at home workout is going to pale in comparison to what I am going to be doing here in the near future but for me it was challenging. I am really looking forward to getting in there and getting in shape. I also spent the better part of my afternoon cleaning taking breaks and doing handstands against the wall. My kids thought I was so cool and I will admit, it was plenty fun! I have no doubt I will love and hate crossfit and have a blast doing it. I will keep you posted on my experience (review anyone) and the aches and I am hoping pains of such an intense workout!

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