Monday, August 13, 2012

Monday, ROD & WOD

Olympics. olympics

So are you crying? I am crying, I am sad that the Olympics are over. I have even kept some on my DVR for those moments of withdrawal. The last two weeks, while extremely busy, have been great. I have been engrossed in health and fitness all day every day. On an hourly basis I was inspired to get up and move, eat clean and bring out my inner athlete. I will honestly attribute the Olympics with my exercising the sugar demon in me. All kinds of good stuff coming out of them for me. Alas, all good things must end and so do the games. Now I am left with crap TV the loom of cold weather and you tube for inspiration.

With that being said, I do have a lot to look forward to as Summer ends and Fall begins. With the end of Summer there is Football (can we say FOOTBALL) which leads to tailgating, fun (paleo) game day food and rooting for my Pats. There is also a jump in races in our area not to mention optimal running weather. There are fall sports like soccer with my kids and let's not forget September starts my new crossfit class (eek) so while I shed a tear and bid Adieu to the Olympics there is much coming up to occupy me.

So two things I wanted to cover in this post is what I ate today (more on that in a sec) and introducing you to my friends ROD & WOD. In the crossfit community your W.O.D. is the workout of the day. It can be anything that is set out or lined up for the day. I am doing some at home WODs adding some kettle bell here and there where I see fit. The other day while chatting with fitchick I came up with ROD {run of the day}and we giggled, but I started thinking I should include my WOD and ROD on here so you can see not only what I am chomping on that day but how I also busted a move.

So this morning I had the opportunity to run early just before lunch time since my hubby was home today to watch the kids. It started raining just after my warm up but I was far enough from home to say eff it and run anyway rather than walk back. I decided to pump it to get 2 miles in quickly before it got too bad. This was great though because I beat my fastest pace time. Today's ROD summary...

1.9 mile run at average pace 10:12, total time 18:45, fastest mile 9:50, today's power song was Ditty by Paperboy...throwback in honor of my recent reunion!

It was a good run I didn't feel great but I didn't have a great breakfast and felt a little dry but all things considered I can't complain.

So today's food consuming didn't start great. For Breakfast I ended up eating 4 slices of bacon with my sugarless tea. Not much for sustenance or balance for that matter but it was a manic Monday and I was caught with my pants down. So 4 pieces of bacon, there you are.

Post run I grabbed about 4 oz Gatorade (not whole30) and about the same of coconut water. I threw together some kale, tomatoes and left over pork roast. It was tasty. We cooked a large pork roast in a cast iron dutch oven at 250 degrees for about 12-13 hours yesterday, it is some good stuff. We used Mural of Flavor from Penzey's to season it and that is all. Simple and super yummy.

For dinner I was exhausted. This weekend took a lot out of me and I didn't sleep much and I stayed up until midnight watching the news. Can you believe that our neighborhood was on a sort of lock down because there was an armed guy who has just robbed a Wendy's up the street running a muck and it didn't make the news...we had armed officers, guns drawn in my Brother-in-law's front yard (just down the street)and a helicopter circling for well over an hour. I guess since he didn't shoot anyone it wasn't news. Let's say I am glad I have an 80lb German Shepherd Dog who is more than willing to eat some manflesh to protect her peeps.

So no sleep, feeling lazy and cool cloudy weather = Jimmy Johns. I have mentioned I am allergic to lettuce before but for some reason when I eat an Unwich at JJs it doesn't trigger a reaction. Any theories please pass along! Anyway the hubby and kiddos got subs and I got an unwich...The porker to be exact and added onions peppers and cucumbers (no cheese). I was being cheap and didn't want to pay .75 for avocado since my fridge is bursting with them at the moment so I just used a leftover half. It was super tasty, refreshing and filling. I am sure their ham has sugar in it but I could do worse. I was so hungry when it got here I sat down and chowed...another oh crap my camera here is whatcha get.

Remnants of dinner (no teasing about the Scooby Doo glass)

I also had a WOD for tonight, 100 push-ups for time...I will pause as you choke on laughter...go ahead I will wait. Did I mention I love football!!! Anyway, between being exhausted from going to sleep late and not sleeping well {can you say one eye open}, and football, I totally dissed my WOD today. I was going to try to do them while watching but I wasn't feeling it. Sorry WOD :(

Make sure you check back tomorrow for an monster of a smoothie. I guess i should bring up I am on day 13 of the Whole30 August challenge. I did have a coke but I am not counting that as a must start over, desperate was that or pass out in front of my old class mates. Gatorade is not whole 30 it keeps me from having awful leg cramps post run. I do drink coconut water but sometimes I just need Gatorade.

Chow for now peeps.

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