Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Roller Coaster and tasty Tuesday

So I have been on an emotional roller coaster the last 12 hours. My dad called last night to tell me that my Grandmother was not doing too well and may die through the night, then called me this morning to tell me she made a miraculous recovery and was sitting up talking and eating. Then he called me to tell me she had passed a few hours later. It is a sad day...{most of my posts are written throughout the day so sorry for the down turn of wit}

So today I started out with a monster smoothie. I blended a banana, avocado, greek yogurt, coconut water and Catie's vitamin C powder together. I have to say it wasn't too bad, a bit like drinking pudding through a straw. I have been wanting to try an avocado smoothie for a while but I swear every recipe I found had at least 2 Tbsp of some for of sugar it it, either honey or agave...sugar is sugar my friends. While I have no doubt it needs a little tlc in the sweet area sugar is out of the question, but thankfully I have Catie's vit C powder. It is made from berries and such and is naturally sweet without any additives. It also happens to be the only supplement besides fish oil I can take without allergy backlash. I actually ate 3 sausage bites with breakfast although I didn't need it. I was so sated with that smoothie that I had to make myself eat lunch. Here is my wonderfully odd silly putty with a bit of pink colored smoothie.

For lunch I grabbed another avocado, I am craving them really bad. I always try to figure out why I crave certain foods and I am guessing my shear mess of a weekend has me craving fats. This coincides with my 4 pieces of bacon breakfast I gobbled down yesterday. Body wants fat apparently. I ended up making an avocado topped with parm cheese, hot sauce and lime, then baked until bubbly {again thank you Pinterest}. I ate a healthy portion of leftover pork roast along side of it as well. I didn't get a picture because I made the mistake of telling the minions we were going to the pool for one last hoorah before Geep's first day of school and they were crazy jungle monkeys after that. I had to actually tell them to let me eat lunch or we weren't going to the pool. Maniacs, I mean I let them eat in peace...can I get 5 min, yes and that was about it... so scarf no photo was the order of the day. I should mention that neither my breakfast nor lunch was Whole30 since I had dairy. I consume 3 dairy items in my diet. Greek Yogurt, Cream, and Cheese, usually just parm cheese from Trader Joes {I do cook with ghee but all of the milk solids are strained out and it is whole30 legal}. These are all sugar free high protein items and since my list is short of edibles I don't pine over it. I eat them that is that.

That is a great segway for me to tangent...I love instagram, okay I am addicted. I follow a few paleo peeps on there because I love to see what people eat and get ideas. This morning I was browsing the pretty breakfast photos when a super sweet chick I follow posted a comment on her photo about how nasty some hard core paleo peeps were treating her for eating and posting a few non-paleo pics. Let's all sigh...didn't Rodney King teach us anything!!! I won't lie the paleo community has it's moments, it isn't unlike the vegan community to be honest. I get it to a point, I am super passionate about my lifestyle. I wish everyone ate this way because I feel so amazing I want everyone to feel this good and never be sick. BUT...I am not going to judge someone for indulging. I indulgences are limited because of my allergies but have I had ice cream yes, a coke yes and there are other things I find myself noshing on that aren't "paleo" legal from time to time. Not sure where I am going with this, maybe it's just because we live this lifestyle doesn't mean we need to be all self-righteous about it. Do not judge someone because they aren't as paleo as you are. Be happy you can talk about your caveman habits and not feel like the white elephant in the room. Who cares if they go out for froyo...if you are against that don't do it, but don't care if they do. It is THEIR body...not yours. As far as I am concerned they can still call themselves isn't like they are saying "I am vegan but I eat fish". She also made a point to say that maybe she should stop labeling herself all together (please don't that is how I found your pretty paleo pics!) but maybe she is right. Maybe we should forgo the labels and leave them to the perfect people of the world...let them be perfect I would rather be happy.

Okay enough drama, onto dinner!!!

Dinner wasn't really going to happen tonight, I tend to be an emotional eater when I am sad or stressed, the exception is when someone I love dies. I learned this when my other grandmother passed and any time I tried to eat I ralphed. I know not to tempt it plus my belly hurts so bad right now I almost feel like I had wheat. It is just sad belly. So for dinner I grabbed some tamales from the freezer, made the kids some quesadillas and called it eats. I had a night of preparing for Geep's first day of Kindergarten tomorrow and I just wanted to lay down and check out. No such luxury.

I really wanted to start sharing Geep's lunches so you can get ideas of what partial-paleo kids eat. I have been researching for close to 3 weeks to get enough ideas so he isn't bored with packing his lunch. Our school tries really hard to serve balanced meals but they are based on the SAD pyramid and eating that 5 days a week just doesn't settle with me. I will try to take a picture of his lunch for this week so stay tuned!

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