Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Hump Day

Happy Wednesday and sorry on the double post, I just kind of checked out last night and forgot to hit publish. I spend the entire day posting thoughts, foods and ideas to my blog then edit (somewhat) and publish. It just wasn't in me.

Today was a continuation of my I am not into life right now attitude. I had a really hard time sleeping last night between worrying about my dad and excitement of Geeps starting Kindergarten then had to jump up at 6 am to get the ball rolling. I didn't really eat breakfast outside of a cup of tea with cream. I wasn't hungry and I was ultra busy getting everything ready for Geeps' big day and trying to keep it together.

Hot tea, egg whites (he doesn't like the yellows) and sausages this?

Taekwando blocking a kiss from Firecracker

So dropped him off this morning and it was seriously too fast, I started to tear up but then he sort of went rigid so I stayed happy smile smiles for him. Afterward I headed home and sort of forced down about a cup of chicken salad I made(recipe below) using banana peppers as crackers. It was really good even without an appetite. About 2 hours after we dropped him off, Firecracker and I were missing him. The house was too quiet, I was getting too much work done and she was bored. So we went out trying to kill some time. I had every intention of returning for lunch but ended up feeding Firecracker a pizza while out. I still didn't feel like eating and there wasn't anything I could eat paleo or allergy wise. After a quick stop to grab my copy of Practical Paleo we went to a gym so she could wear herself out and I could browse my book. I also grabbed a Lara bar so I didn't crash or pass out. 

Practical Paleo book
So pretty I have been waiting for this book!!!

This is a mecca of Paleo info, I will be reviewing the book later as well as showing some meals made from the recipes. But more on that later. 

For dinner it was spirit day at Chik-fil-a for our school. We eat there and they donate money. So that is what my family got...yay me I didn't want to cook anyway. I had the grilled nuggets as usual, fries instead of fruit this time, and an unsweetened tea. At this point I was close to a crash from my lack of calories so I wolfed my food. Later about 8pm my day of not eating caught up with me and I ate 2 large spoonfuls of chicken salad. It is so good and it is going to be so gone...

I don't have a WOD or ROD for you today even though today could be for either. I am just not feeling it. I am way exhausted and my belly and heart aches still. But enough bellyaching about that. Here is a sweet recipe for my paleo chicken salad. 

Chicken Salad
4-5 chicken breast
1 stalk of celery, chopped
1 cup red grapes, cut in half
1/2 cup chopped nuts ( iused a mix of almonds, pecan & macadamias)
Penzeys Sandwich sprinkle (or salt & pepper)

Place chicken breasts in crock pot and cook on high for 4 hours. I have said before I am a meat weenie so I like that I can pour chicken breasts frozen into a crock pot add a smidge of water and seasonings and let it go. They will be perfectly cooked in 4 hours. Let it go for 6 and it will just fall apart and shred easy. After chicken is cooked place in large bowl and shred with two forks. Add celery, grapes and chopped nuts, then add mayo one heaping spoonful at a time until it how you like it. I am Goldilocks with my chicken salad, not to dry, not too wet...just right. Once you have it how you like it add some sandwich sprinkle or salt & pepper to taste and voila, chicken salad.

Now mayonnaise is a tricky thing. It is near impossible to find one without industrial fats in the ingredients...even the olive oil ones. The easiest thing to do is make your own. It isn't hard really and is pretty fast. You can get a recipe and instructions here. She uses a fancy oil but Olive works too, you can also find them using a food processor or emersion blender...Pinterst is your friend. There is also a baconnaise out there using bacon grease...oh yeah I am so going to go there one day.

I took sweet banana peppers from our garden and sliced them long ways and used them as boats for my salad since crackers and bread are out. It was so much better, light yet filling. Give it a try!

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