Friday, November 23, 2012


So the last time we talked I was going on about trying to get up for a workout early in the wee dark cold hours of the morning. Well I did it, I got up, got over there and got my workout on!

Early Morning Wod
Bench press 1 rep max
(thanks to my awesome partner) 80#
10 min amrap
10 box jumps 20"
10 dead lifts 85#
10 ring dips scaled with band
3 rounds + 6 deadlifts

Cherry - 800m run (yes I did that too)
5:05 (I think, it was either this or 5:15)

This was such a good idea in the moment, but it was one I would pay for later. I don't get much sleep when I am at my dads because the kids wake up all night long so I knew I would already be losing sleep and the 2 extra hours I would have got Wednesday morning would have been perfect. Alas, I really wanted that workout and I felt great all day. So while I was tired and am still paying for it I am glad I went. I am dying to find out my 1 rep max dead lift!

So when I packed up for our short trip I packed running clothes, I needed to do a 25-30 min run for the running class. I wasn't sure if I would run but the prospect of running with my stepmom was in and of itself exciting. Wednesday night I was talking about running and my cousin said she was running a turkey trot, I had planned on running one here until we decided to spend Thanksgiving with my Dad so I was like oh I should go. Then when I was up at 7:30am after no sleep the next morning I was like no I need to rest, my legs were sore (I am out of omegas yikes!) then I saw everyone on facebook talking about their turkey trots so then I felt like a bum for not going. So I just got dressed and decided to run, luckily my awesome stepmom went with me! We did a short 21 min 2 mile run. I had to stop twice because we were running some country hills and my legs were literally on fire and just gased. Hear me now people...nutrition is essential to recovery. I have not truly zoned in 3 days and I am feeling it. Still it was great to finally be able to run with her and chat!

So for Thanksgiving I didn't really eat much. For one I have limited choices with my allergies and for two I am just not that into food. My older brother asked me what food I looked forward to the most during this time. I thought and my mind went blank, like meditating blank. I used to the all about the food. Not so much the turkey, but the noodles and potatoes and dressing. Yum! I would be in a carb daze for like 12 hours. Oh and the gravy...gravy. But this year I wanted two things, protein and to not eat anything that makes me sick. I don't expect people to accommodate my allergies. I had wanted to make something but was told repeatedly no, so I didn't bring anything. So I knew turkey was safe and that the mashed potatoes weren't instant and thus safe. I had some plain green beans, cranberry sauce and called it dinner. However, this conversation and my reaction left me thinking a lot. Because I did used to be a food junkie, I have the pictures to prove it. I have always been, but it started showing after I hit my 30s. Now food is a fuel and in some way an enemy. 

I only think about food when I am actually hungry and it is usually in terms of what is going to give me optimal energy and well not make me sick. I think between my allergies and eating a mostly paleo diet I have changed my mental outlook on food. I am happy about this because I think I have a good healthy relationship to food where as before I would say not so much. So in a nutshell, lots of turkey, some sides and never once felt stuffed or even full, just nicely satisfied. I did gut a couple of pieces of pumpkin pie though, mwah! I should also give some props to the Whole30 because I am sure that doing that has landed me where I am. 

So tomorrow no running class but coach class and WOD, I am going to throw in a home wod from my running workouts because I have kind of slacked on them this week. I was planning on hitting the box today but I am just so tanked from my lack of sleep that I doubt I would be able to do anything, plus I am a tad moody when I am tired. So some simple dinner, a hot shower and I am going to bed. 

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