What are you waiting for?
So I am simplifying my weekly goals. I have high expectations for myself but setting 100 goals and only achieving one or two is not helping me out. So I have decided to keep my goals short and sweet. I am limiting myself to 3 goals this week. 2 pertaining to my weight loss one pertaining to my life. So here goes...
- Jillian Michaels Level 2 alternating with couch to 5k (3 days running, 4 days strength)
- Go 100% gluten free
- Clean, purge and organize Master Bedroom
I am really itching to start running again. I know I said I was going to wait until after I finished 30 day shred but I think I can alternate them. I am however going to be rubber band about this and change it if it isn't working or is too much too soon. Don't get me wrong I will not use this as a get out of jail free card or an excuse to not strive for my goals. I do know that pushing to hard to fast can result in an injury from my own past experience.
So some things I have been thinking about. First off things feel so much easier since I changed my mind.
I love this because I feel like this is what is different this time. I feel like I was really ready to change, I had run out of excuses. I wasn't going to have anymore kids, my hubby wasn't in school anymore, I wasn't breast feeding, I actually had time and my hubby was on board for diet changes (the kids don't have a choice lol) Will, free time and support...wow triple threat. I also think that my willingness to change brought about the will power I currently have.
So what is stopping you from making your tomorrow today? What obstacles are you facing. Write them down and then see what you can cross off of that list. See how many are truly valid obstacles and what you can do to hop over them.
Weight loss is hard. I get it, I have been trying to lose weight off and on for the last 5 years. It isn't just about eating right and exercising. It is emotional, it is challenging, it is about change. It is about taking everything you currently do and throwing it out the window. It involves pulling yourself out of this warm and toasty comfort zone and throwing yourself in the the unknown abyss. It is scary. You have to want it. You have to be willing to focus on the person you are going to become not the person you are. You don't have to eat perfectly and workout for an hour at the gym the first day. You have to get up and take the first step. There is a tee shirt I saw on Pinterest that says "The toughest lift is your a** off of the couch" Amen isn't that the truth? It is much easier to sit and watch reruns of my favorite shows or some geek flick on syfy. It is easier to eat whatever, God knows the planning is a pain in the butt...in the beginning. So that first step is a doosey.
They say it takes 21 days for something to become a habit...so day 22 is a breeze, your new life is committed in your mind and it all falls into place right? HA then why are there relapses in life? Because we never forget the habits of old. I used to tell myself that 3 weeks was all I needed. 3 weeks...I can to it. But really I have found that day by day is where it needs to be. Of course I visualize myself in the future, but I stay focused on today. Try this, try to do something just today. Try to fit in 20 minutes. I actually said I was going to "try" 30 day shred. I loved it, it was quick and I felt amazing afterward...I am on my 3rd week. yay. Same with milk, any one who knows me knows I can chug a gallon of milk in a couple of days. I have been wanting to break that habit for a while now because of my fibroid and the high estrogen content in milk but the thought of not drinking milk, milk in my coffee or hot cocoa yikes! but one day I put almond milk in my coffee, then in my smoothies and bam before I knew it I was milk free. While I thought about the end result I focused on baby steps. So for dinner tonight, add a salad. Take away those rolls...small changes. Get up and march or do crunches during commercials I mean for an hour show that is going to be at least 15 minutes of exercise.
I also suggest when you decide to take that first step you take pictures of yourself every week. Because you really aren't going to see those small changes but look at my first and second week pics. I was shocked at the changes. I didn't think I looked very different even though my jeans felt different and since the scale hadn't really moved I thought for sure there wasn't much change. This was incredibly motivating and what do you think this week's pictures did for me. This is only in 3 weeks. My clothes aren't huge, my scale has barely moved but the pictures (which add 10 lbs I might ad haha) speak for themselves. Give it a try...what is the worst thing that can happen.
The last thing I want to talk about this post is PMS (any guy readers out there this is where you can make a safe exit lol) I touched base on it last post about my fatigue. I do want to say however that I have no cravings for crappy foods like salt, sweet, chocolate (okay maybe some low sugar extra dark chocolate) or fatty foods. I think it is because I am getting everything I need by eating smart. It is also proven that exercise lessens pms symptoms so I will factor that in as well. I do still feel tired but not like I usually do (now that my kids have slept for the last two nights) I have more energy and more vigor. I have yet to have a headache so we will see if that happens and if I am bloated I don't know because my clothes are still fitting fine and are a bit loose (3 inches off of my waist anyone) I will say that I am very interested to see what my weight is post period. I always gain 5-7 lbs pre period which disappears post. Since I haven't gained any I wonder if I will lose any. I will update you on that later.
So there is my two cents for now!
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