This quote is so appropriate right now. I don't want to "relapse" or cheat or ruin everything I have done for a week and a half.
I have been trying to work on my protein shake post, I really have. I want to get some pictures first. Right now however I am just trying to get through my days. I am detoxing hard. How hard? If I hadn't been here before I would think I was getting the flu. I don't eat a lot of sugar but I do have regulars. Sugar in my coffee, certain crackers...refined grains instead of whole, and milk. I drink a ton of milk which has a lot of sugar in it. Even the skim.
I feel so crazy right now I even considered a video diary but who knows what I might say haha. I am mainly posting this because well I am a baby, I like to whine and everyone here is tired of hearing it and also because if you hit this point in you weight loss, where everything was going well and you felt on top of the world then slowly but surely you hit rock bottom, I am hoping you can come back here to help you through it.
I haven't worked out today, I have barely eaten anything but when I have I have made it count. I just feel awful. Headache, moodiness (ask my hubby), loss of appetite and very lethargic. I don't feel like doing anything but sleeping. It is hard I won't lie and it may make some of you turn and run for the hills, but I know in the next 24 to 48 hours I am going to feel amazing. Energized, new sense of clarity you name it.
My Step-dad asked me why I was going through a detox, what was I doing to cause it. I realized I hadn't really addressed that here either. I am eating a super "tight" clean diet and dabbling in paleo here and there. Before I go any further I want to spit out this disclaimer. Everyone has their opinions on diets and lifestyles, I know I was vegetarian for years. I am doing what works for me, a clean, protein & whole foods based diet. Nothing energizes me like a high protein meal, I am not anticarbs, you need those to function but you have to eat the right ones. I can't stress this what works for you. It doesn't matter what celebrities are doing, what fitness models are doing or even what I am doing. If it is working for you that is your best plan and course of action.
So my plan. Basically I eat protein with every meal with veges, some fruit and occasionally a high complex carb. Most everything I eat is very low on the glycemic index. I do eat a banana nearly everyday in a smoothie but at this point in the game it isn't enough to sustain my sugar "addiction". While I am not someone who eats sweets 24/7 I am going through withdrawal so I am calling myself that. The one thing I like about clean eating is that there are levels, not phases like south beach but different levels. You can be laid back and eat things like agave or maple syrup even or you can go as strict as steam veges, chicken and distilled water. I am staying very close to the latter. The reason being I am working on building muscle daily so I am essentially eating like an athlete. Regardless of if I was being lax or strict I would still hit this detox. It is hard but so worth it. I can not stress that enough.
The paleo part of this equation is very controversial. I saw people attacking a post on Pinterest pertaining to Paleo. Paleo people are die hards, they eat an incredibly strict pure clean diet. I tried it, it is hard. I read a book by Robb Wolf called The Paleo Solution and it makes perfect sense that we all live this way. I tried is hard, with kids it is even harder. I try to find a balance. For example I had a Paleo lunch...2 eggs poached in tomato sauce (made by me so I know no sugar) and water. Super filling and delish but I can't eat this way everyday so I try to throw in a paleo meal here and there. I feel really good after a Paleo meal, even today during this phase of craptasticness I felt energized. It is just harder for me to be organized to live this way but I do try to incorporate it often.
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