I started my day dreaming about sleeping...weird don't you think? Not when you are lucky to get 8 hours of solid uninterrupted sleep! Anyway got up, somewhat remember the blur of my morning then rushed to CrossFit Regeneration. Today's WOD is a good one, I spent a half hour last night watching "Bear Complex" on You Tube because it is as close to a CrossFit dance routine as you are going to get. Today's workout...
Push Press (4x10) 45#
Bear Complex
15 min AMRAP
1 power clean
1 front squat
1 push press
1 back squat
1 push press
= 1 rep
25 reps
I LURVE this workout. I really really realllllyyyy like bar work. This one had all of my favorites in it. I had gone in thinking I would use the prescribed weight 65# but then chickened out and dropped to 45#. In hindsight I could have probably done 65# and had far less reps. In further hindsight I am glad I went lighter because I get to hang with Cindy again Thursday.
I just really hate leaving there thinking I didn't use the heaviest weight or push myself the hardest I can. I have been feeling that a lot lately, like I am just surfing my workouts. I am starting to think it is post Angie syndrome. I worked out so hard for Angie that I feel like the rest of these are cake or I donno. Plus I mentally think I am weaker than I actual am and I need to figure out how to get over that crap!
I did grab a pair of wrist wraps today which made such a difference in my wrists. They have been aching a bit and really seem to get agitated during bar work. So I grabbed some Rogue ones and dude...huge difference. I don't want to become dependent on them on in a long or heavy bar workout they are going to be my bff, no doubt. They kind of look bad ass too.
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