All weekend I kept meaning to sit down and write up deets about Saturdays fitness goods but 1) I started reading a new book series and 2) we renovated our bathroom. So if I wasn't painting or reorganizing I was reading...well and there was some motherly duties in there as well, I don't completely neglect my family when I am reading a new completely.
So Friday I started reading The Mortal Instruments series, it is right up my alley. I hate to say this but young adult books are so much better than chic lit and such. Besides the teenage angst they typically contain story lines which are much better, imo. It is a good book , I finished it in 3 days...another plus for YA books, quick reads.
So Me!!
So Saturday I got up read a chapter then headed to CrossFit Regeneration for my first running class & the coaches class. I am fairly excited that has started adding 2013 certification class dates, whoop! So anyway about my wods...
WOD #1 aka - running class
We started the class by video taping us run, wow no pressure. It was funny and it felt like I was auditioning for a running commercial. Afterward we lined up to run 1 mile for time. I knew we would probably run some sort of distance so I grabbed my phone & headphones and plugged in to some Bruno Mars. I love his new song "Locked out of Heaven" because reminds me of Journey, Kings of Leon, and the Police all wrapped up into one. After the mile run we got a lesson on running, forget everything you have ever been taught about running. This concluded with us watching our running postures. I was praying more for no visible jiggle as we watched me move in slow mo...
At this point the coaches and competitors class was filing in so I ran grabbed a protein shake, changed shoes and chugged it down. The running class was moved outside for drills while I stayed in to start the coaches class. I want to be a better runner but I want to be a coach first, plus Coach Kari rocks and she offered to take a moment after class to go over what I missed.
Running class summary
1 mile for time
time - 9:18
(previous best 10:27)
You read that right, improved my time by over a minute!!
Okay where was I? Oh yeah coaches and competitors class. So we started this out with going over Kettlebell clean and jerks. This was one of those moves where my brain is in over drive and also if you do it wrong you will get bruised and of course I got a few good whacks in...
This is my arm the day of, at about 5pm This is my arm Sunday morning, gnarly
It felt like I had been given a bad shot, I had a knot and everything, well still do. It is pretty crazy, good thing it is time for long sleeves.
So after our instruction on some kettlebell moves we got down to business. Saturday's WOD #2
100 double unders buy in
3 rounds
10 KB taters
10 KB clean & jerks
10 HR push ups
100 double unders cash out
Time 17:58 (scaled)
So I used a 15 lb kettlebell mainly because I wasn't sure I could do the workout with heavier and the 25 one kept beating up my arms. I decided to go light rather than do anymore damage including but not limited to busting out my teeth on the taters. I loved the taters BTW. I also scaled the DU with 300 single rope jumps.
In the future I am not sure if I will do a WOD with jump rope involved. I was having all sorts of problems with my fribroid while taking taekwando, problems I wasn't having with CrossFit and was unsure why. I know why now, with TKD you are in constant movement, bouncing around, kick, punching. Jumping rope made for some massive irritation of the thing residing in my uterus. I am sure this is why you aren't supposed to do these types of things pregnant, like hard bouncey things. I do have hope that this will get better as my torso and core get stronger, we will see.
After this wod I finished up some more basics from the running class, grabbed my junk, a paleo kit and headed home. The rest of that day I was pretty tanked. No matter what I ate I seemed to just be completely out of energy, I took a couple of short naps while trying to do stuff around the house but it never seemed to get any better. I was in bed and reading for the night at like 9 I think. Exhausted!
Speaking of Paleo kits, I got my first box of goods from
Steve's Original. I grabbed some of the Apple pie kits, paleo krunch and some berry kits.

This is stuff is amazingly good. Daddy-O and I split a regular kit which is a perfect meal replacement for 1 adult. Lots of protein and fat, the snack size is what I had post wod and it was also a perfect portion, I have been wanting to try these for a while. I thought they were perfect because it is hard to find allergy free jerky for me and/or quick grab snacks. I plan as much as possible but there are always times I go hungry because I am not where I can eat regular food or I am somewhere that doesn't have food I can eat. I can throw one of these in my purse and always be prepared. I know a bar would be easier but most bars are mostly sugar and fat if they are paleo and I need protein. Protein bars are out...allergens, sugar and junk, not thanks. An added bonus to these kits is they will go great in an emergency kit. I bought a sample of stuff to see what was good and how filling they were, I will be buying more for our kits. The Paleo Crack Krunch was just something I wanted to try. I have always loved granola and while this is purely a fat and calorie supply and mainly for enjoyment, it would be a good snack grab in a pinch. It was superb...yikes, too good actually. I couldn't seem to stay away from it. was gone.
So speaking of emergency kits, we are supposed to hit a pretty nasty winter around here so I have been planning for such. I was a Jeep girl before I succumbed to the minivan so big snows weren't a huge deal. Now I drive a front wheel drive mombus...not even all wheel, I am not going to go gallivanting out like I would in the Jeeps. Because of this, I am going to have some emergency stocks in case we get snowed in. We have a nice freezer to stock and I am going to start stocking the pantry, but I also want to have items for times when we are stuck without power. I have been researching preparedness and kits and stuff and I have to say...some people have it right but some people miss the boat on food.
When I get ready to stock our kit I will not be turning to cereals and dried grains, so I will be turning to proteins and fats. Sure you can stock up on calories with grains and such but your body will burn right through them, where as with protein and especially fat it is a slow release of energy. I have been buying extra jars of coconut oil for this purpose, the zone has really opened my eyes to this. I find the only time I am hungry is when I haven't had all of my fat blocks. I also don't want to spend the zombie apocalypse in serious pain and agony from living off of allergy foods. So I am trying to keep a stash of high calorie, high protein and high fat options.
CorssFit Regeneration had a charity event Sunday featuring the workout "Fight gone Bad" this is an amazing workout i was dying to do. I was still incredibly sore and tanked from two classes in one day so I had planned on going to watch and donate. Then this happened...
Awful Aqua and peach bathroom (with Fircracker as a butterfly) New concrete gray and white!
I don't really have a good picture of my bathroom before. It had an old white vanity we had painted after we got married and shiny silver accessories. We painted it a bright aqua to match a curtain and try to tame the obnoxious peach tile. This is the last room in our house that needed a major overhaul so we found a new vanity, mirror and paint color. We spray painted our shiny silver stuff with a satin nickle rustoleum, took down the bulky over sized 80s dated wooden medicine cabinet and bathroom! I actually found a bathroom on Pinterest and copied it almost exactly. I didn't want to go out and buy a ton of new decorations so I just kind of robbed different rooms in my house to achieve the same look and finished it off by printing some photos of us as a family from last Fall. I am pretty proud of it. Daddy-O and I are total DIY people so this was fun.