I sped way too fast to get there and I am thankful to God for keeping me safe and ticket free and hitting every green light!! When I arrived I had about 5 min until class started and was happy to see a small amount of cars in the lot. Small class yay!! I walked in, went into the gym saw a bunch of people I didn't know and no CrossFit Charlie and promptly turned around and walked out. What, say WHAT. Yes I did. Then I heard some ruckus and walked back to find Charlie...oh thank God (again) so I asked about the clean & jerks because I really was unclear and he explained it. So instead of walking clean out of the box I went back. But they had started...I stood there having no idea what to do. Finally plucked the courage to ask wth was going on.
Whew that wasn't so bad, so right when I found a place to get start on my warm-up I looked up and there was Kristen from class...My hero. I was no longer alone, see...just stick to it and the best will happen. I went over what we were doing and was thrilled to have a familiar face and someone else with a big ? over their head as well. We did our warm-up and then started the WOD...here are the deets.
Clean & Jerk 5X5
10 sets for time
10 box jumps 24/20
10 pull-ups
Time 17:11
Scaled 12" box, thick heavy green band for PU
So we started with 5 sets of 5 Clean and jerks. I felt okay about these because we just did cleans and the jerk part I watched on you tube this morning. I was cool with it. I can't tell you how many I did because I can't count my workouts for shit. I grabbed a 15lb bar being the wuss I am but found it was a bit like a pvc pipe and ended up adding 20# to it to make it 35. These were good, I love me some barbell work! As for the other workout, I didn't really grasp the severity of what we were doing. I scaled this workout to as easy as I could make it and still thought my ass is not going to finish. I was dying. It was all mental because when I hit that last set I blazed through it. During it however there was nothing but self loathing. Biggest lesson I learned today, I am my own worst enemy and I am not as mentally tough as I think...at least in the realm of CrossFit.
After the workout was over I felt damn good about myself, for showing up, for fighting through even scaled all to shit, and for finishing...because there was a moment I was going to quit. Then I realized I only had 2 sets left and Kristen was on her last set and wasn't dead. There was also a minute when I felt like an ass because I was all grins and smiles and other people were just finishing and I just wanted to say, look I am only done because I scaled down so much. I should have finished last. In this class...yep I should have been last. That is how I know when I have truly pushed myself. But to be honest I was scared to finish last...not sure why, I will get back to you on that. I am sure it was a pride thing but I didn't feel full of pride, I just felt happy I survived without quitting. I did feel better again after Kristen mentioned we just did 100 pull ups...what, crap you are right. That is when I felt bad ass. Even with a heavy band helping me pull up I did a total of 100 pull ups...before 10 am. I also got these...
So apparently after you kill yourself with the strength portion of the day and the WOD there is the "Cherry" or the cherry on top workout...yeah I know. I want to thank Kristen again for getting me to do this because I was about to duck and run and she was like let's see what this is. It was sit ups max rep for 2 minutes. *fist pump* I can rock some sit ups. As I did these I decided to shoot for a goal of 50...I got 49. Afterward we were all talking and hanging out and I started to feel it coming...the hurl. I didn't eat breakfast, I choked down a protein shake just before I got there and at this moment I was feeling that. I started feeling shaky weak and on the verge of getting sick so I jetted. I rested for a moment and headed to Target to grab some stuff. I also grabbed a coffee with whole milk to just try to get rid of the shakes. It worked and I was able to get my necessities and more duct tape band aids. While I was doing this with my chalk covered pants and ripped palm I felt bad ass again. I sat and watched two girls who probably lifted a hair dryer that morning go on about wanting skinny lattes (with whip cream haha) and debate what was the "healthiest" drink on the menu. Yeah I grabbed a tall pumpkin latte with whip cream. Sugar, fat and coffee...it is what it is, I have 1 day left and there isn't a healthy coffee, it is coffee.
So now I am sitting down to work after scarfing down a huge bowl of vegetable beef soup with some cheese for extra protein. My arms are working pretty decently for the most part. My hands aren't too bad and all in all I feel great. So happy I decided to suck it up and go. I also get why you read some of the stuff you do on Pinterest about CrossFit, like the whole my warm up is your workout. Before most people got up I cranked out a killer workout, survived it, enjoyed it and am going on with the rest of my day. While leaving Target I pass through the parking lot of a globo gym and I noticed that the people walking in and out of there look like zombies. Do you blame them?