So after I bungee jumped from the Whole30 wagon this weekend what else do I do but start over. I got through the tough love portion of the book last night and let me just say I was shamed and shamed. In all honesty this really isn't that hard. It does take planning and will power both of which I can be a champ at/with but it isn't hard. So waking up sort of refreshed (fircracker climbed into our bed at 5 and I ended up in some odd contortion) I decided to climb back on the wagon and strap in.
For breakfast today I just wasn't feeling cooking and my kids were ravenous beasts who were completely obsessed with the color change Ariel Firecracker got for not having any potty accidents yesterday. Once they finally unchained me from their command and let me feed myself I had 2 hard boiled eggs with lemon pepper, 4 slices deli turkey and some almond stuffed olives. I also had OJ (not whole30) but I live in an area with the worst fall allergens and Vitamin C really helps me not be miserable. August 1 we start downing the stuff daily and taking a supplement, I also add zinc and Echinacea when school starts to combat the nasty germs brought home by Firecracker & Geeps. I'm starting early ;)

So today is national Hot Dog day yo and I wanted to take the kids out for dogs. We ended up heading to Homerun Burgers because it is close, fast and in the middle of our other errands. They were sort of busy today and apparently the cashier pulled a no show so it took longer than usual, but I scored a decent meal option.
Yes this is what they chose to go out in...
Geeps with his Army Armie bear (yep that is his official name)
I'm hungry where is my food
oh he is kicking me in the eye...
Bring me food now or I stab you!
This place has not been particularly friendly with special requests in the past. The first time my husband tried to go there and ensure I wasn't acked from allergens the girl was a total beast (I hope it was the aforementioned now jobless cashier.) Also, they only have fries,cole slaw, and onions rings as a side. I did have the fortune of being waited on by the owner, who was very accommodating. I decided on a double burger with a fried egg, dressed with lettuce, tomato, raw onions, pickles and mustard, with a side of guacamole, hold the was the best allergy free burger I have had so far and while it was seriously lacking vegetables, as a meal it filled me up.

For dinner I planned on putting a chicken in a crock pot but I decided to roast one instead. I always crock pot chicken because after having Salmonella and not knowing where it came from I am ultra squeamish about touching raw meat. With the crock pot I can just throw it in, sprinkle some seasoning on and let it go. Today I
put on my big girl panties squealed like a granny and actually handled it. I also put the fear of God in my children to stay back as not to get splashed with salmonella juice. I know dramatic...I used Julia Child's roast chicken recipe from
nom nom paleo with a few changes. I love her site and wish I had an iPad to get her new day?
So after seasoning the chicken and bringing it to room temperature I massaged that baby with some buttah (not whole30) and filled the...gulp...cavity. Sorry I am a total dead animal wimp, did I mention I was vegetarian for over 4 years...Since I have been to the grocery TWICE and forgot onions I just filled the cavity with lemon, onion powder and thyme. Did I also mention I will macGuyver a recipe in a heartbeat if need be ;)
Chicken post massage...looked nice and relaxed doesn't it?
So after feeling like I had thoroughly violated my chicken I put it in a cast iron dutch oven and placed in the oven. The recipe calls for a roasting pan with rack which I have but I love roasted meats in my dutch over. It is really old and well seasoned and since I am chronically anemic I need any iron I can get. Doesn't it look gorgeous!
post oven...purty ain't it?
While I let it rest I roasted some asparagus and cooked some zucchini from our garden with olive oil, garlic and tomatoes (also from our garden). I would typically put parmesan cheese on it but alas...I have to draw the line somewhere right? Here is what I had for dinner!! I will say this chicken was delish. Even when I crockpot a chicken with broth in the bottom it always dries out while I let it sit. This was ultra juicy and the skin was nice and crispy, Julia and Michelle know their stuff.
My hubby is one good gardener! Can't wait to cook some eggplant.
After dinner we had some adult time while we cleaned the kitchen and I waited for magic hour to hit (8:00) to go out for my run. I also tried not to make myself sick on the leftover roasted chicken, it is a problem for me. I could down a rotisserie chicken by myself.
Post run...whew
I went out and crushed week 5 day 1 on my 10k training finally breaking an 11 min mile even with my walking intervals. I felt amazing and ran like a champ. I felt like I had good legs and lungs tonight. I am running
the Color Run on Sunday and I am really worried about not being able to run the entire 5k. Regardless it will be a good time but I would like to complete it psychedelic and having run the entire time. Post run I drank a vitacoco, chugged some OJ and grabbed a handful of macadamia nuts. I know again with the OJ but I was a sneezing fool and I am telling you Vitamin C is allergy magic. Now it is time for a hot shower, Warehouse 13, a snuggly hubby, and some sleep.