So where do I start. The beginning is the best place correct? Besides sewing I have been purging my life of clutter. I swear for every room I clear I lost weight. I have also been reorganizing my life and running. Not much in the way of weight training and I have been really seeing a difference in my body it is losing the tone I had gained, which wasn't much to begin with.
I will start with these...
Most recent pictures and stats.
Not much change from last time. I am losing tone in my belly from lack of Jillian Michaels ab torture. I need to get back on that. Finding time is such an issue. I don't have any hard number stats for you because I have given up my scale and measuring myself for Lent. No don't laugh, I am serious. I saw my daughter standing on it one morning and she looked at me and said "is that good" it made me ill (she is 2.5). She has never heard me commenting on my weight being bad or good while I am on the scale (that is an internal battle) but she gets it. So I pitched it. I can tell you that I have old jeans I can not wear anymore because they just fall off as I walk. I also have tons of clothing I can wear now and unlike previous years I am dying for warm weather and the clothing that comes with it. I even wore a favorite dress of mine with no one commenting on how pregnant I was (even though I wasn't)
Other than that I started the Whole30 plan but hit a huge speed bump. So with Lent looming over head I joined the 40 bags in 40 days declutter for Lent and decided to also do a Whole40. Apparently giving things up for Jesus is easier than for myself, but that is a whole other post entirely. I have also started taking kick boxing at my son's Tae Kwan Do studio/dojo I don't really know the lingo yet.
Since I am posting this on a Saturday I am going to restructure my weeks starting them on Sundays, ending on Saturday.
This week's goals.
- Kickboxing
- continue couch to 5k
- throw in 2 weight training (aka jillian michaels)
- Whole40
Just because I have been absent doesn't mean I have been slacking or lazy. I have had some set backs and time issues but at any moment I can I jump on the treadmill and I keep my eating tight. Fasting Ash Wednesday sent me on a spiral that ended in pizza and serious gastrointestinal issues. Apparently reintroducing dairy and gluten after being sans both for nearly 2 months is a really bad idea. I convinced that I have a gluten intolerance I never noticed before until I try to eat it now. I can add in dairy here and there with no problems and things like rice or beans are okay too but add in gluten and I am a mess.
While I will be doing the Whole30 ( I will also be doing daily posts of what I am eating starting tomorrow) I have decided to move my family more gluten free than full paleo. I have been limiting milk for both kids and I am happy to say neither of them have had breathing issues or even snot for that matter. My daughter had a few glasses of milk at my MIL yesterday and got a bit snotty but it didn't last long. Anything to forgo the ridiculously expensive breathing medicine!
I also wanted to share this. I bought myself a little something for being such a good sport haha.
I got this off of a cute little etsy shop, if you follow my Pinterest boards you have seen it. I love it. It is a cut up tee shirt that ties in the back and has a sweet little bow. It is like my vintage boutique side married my crossfit wanna be tough side. I love this fitness in progress. You may think that I got this to shout to people why I am currently fatter than I would like but really I got it to remember that I am a work in progress. That if I am not happy where I am today I can change that by working hard because I am in progress. I also like that is says fitness in progress, not skinny or weight loss but fitness because while losing weight is the ultimate goal fitness is the way to get there.
She has lots of really cute versions of this shirt and you can get yours here Ruffles with Love
Check her out, I see at least two more in my future! I would have taken a picture of the back but this is the best shot I could get by myself ahah
So let me know how you are doing in your journey. Follow me on pinterest especially my Minus the 46 board, it is full of inspiration and twitter for silly blurbs @supermomsteurer I may get around to a facebook page eventually but we will see.
Best Always